monarch-initiative / phenogrid

The phenogrid widget
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remove ./dist file from git - add to .gitignore #168

Closed harryhoch closed 8 years ago

harryhoch commented 8 years ago

might require comparable changes in monarch-app

yuanzhou commented 8 years ago

It turned out that we can't live without the dist files.

postinstall in package.json only worked when we install phenogrid directly. Because when we install it directly using npm install, all the devDepencies are installed at the same time. Then postinstall was able to use gulp/browserify to create the bundled files in dist.

BUT when we install phenogrid via monarch-app, all the devDepencies of phenogrid are not installed. Then there's no way we can use gulp/browserify to create the bundled files for phenogrid.

Form another perspective, the dist bundled files are just like jquery.min.js, it's part of the distribution. They should be in the package by default, unless the developers want to make changes to phenogrid source files and recreate the bundles.

harryhoch commented 8 years ago

Ok. it was worth a shot...

yuanzhou commented 8 years ago

It took me several hours to find this out. I tried several things to run gulp bundle via monarch-app, and all failed. At least now I can start the npm publish.