monarch-initiative / phenogrid

The phenogrid widget
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Npm tweaks #197

Closed yuanzhou closed 8 years ago

yuanzhou commented 8 years ago
  1. Removed unused image files
  2. Added .npmignore for better workflow with github
  3. Updated to cater both github and npmjs
  4. Tested to bump phenogrid npm version
yuanzhou commented 8 years ago

Workflow example

In the phenogrid git repo after all the changes commited and pushed to github,

npm version 1.0.8

(this “npm version” command will bump the version number to 1.0.8 in package.json automatically and create a github commit as well as git tag for the release, you can also specify not to create the github tag by using a flag)

npm publish --force

(this command will publish the new version to, without --force we won’t be able to update the README on

git push origin npm-tweaks

(since “npm version” has already committed the version change in git, we only need to push this to the github repo)

By then we have both github repo and npm registry updated with the same code, and npmjs will not package files listed in .npmignore. Travis will do the old job, no affect to npmjs.

Note: we'll need to bump the version number every time before we want to publish any updates to npm registry.