monarch-initiative / phenogrid

The phenogrid widget
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configuration of index page #232

Closed harryhoch closed 8 years ago

harryhoch commented 8 years ago

index page currently is hard coded to go straight to beta. We should revise to have index page configuration be dynamically inferred from web pgae url, so that production page will hit the production server.

yuanzhou commented 8 years ago

How can you dynamically infer the serverURL from web page? If any third parties use Phenogrid, the default serverURL should be the monarch production. Should I change all the beta to production in index page? And only use beta for testing purposes?

harryhoch commented 8 years ago

in Javascript window.location.hostname should give the URL. jQuery might have some cleaner way of doing it.

otherwise, defaulting to production for third-party and the index page sounds right

yuanzhou commented 8 years ago

Since we've agreed to have a simplified index.html pointing to the production server and I've committed the changes. I'm closing this issue.