monarch-initiative / pyphetools

Python Phenopacket Tools
MIT License
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It would be useful to have prefabricated ThresholdColumnMapper objects. #72

Closed pnrobinson closed 5 months ago

pnrobinson commented 5 months ago

For instance, instead of this

hba1cMapper = ThresholdedColumnMapper(hpo_id="HP:0040217", 
                                     hpo_label="Elevated hemoglobin A1c", 

we could have this

hba1cMapper = ThresholdedColumnMapper.elevatedHbA1c()

and so on for the commonly used values. There would be a series of static methods with PMID references for the normal ranges. We could only do this for thresholds that are fairly standard (i.e., not those that vary from lab to lab), but this would save a lot of work and would help to standardize results

pnrobinson commented 5 months ago
