monarch-initiative / pyphetools

Python Phenopacket Tools
MIT License
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Missing requirement: setuptools #97

Closed hansenp closed 2 months ago

hansenp commented 3 months ago

If run the following command in the created virtual environment of pyphetools:

import pyphetools

then get an error message that pkg_resources is not found.

I can fix the error by installing setuptools into the environment.

pip install setuptools

pnrobinson commented 3 months ago

This package should not be needed for users who install with

pip install pyphetools

See here Ensure pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date While pip alone is sufficient to install from pre-built binary archives, up to date copies of the setuptools and wheel projects are useful to ensure you can also install from source archives:

-- let's try to reproduce the error!

hansenp commented 3 months ago

I believe I followed this guide with setuptools not installed. You may be able to reproduce the error by uninstalling setuptools and then following the instructions in this guide.

ielis commented 3 months ago

When I do the following:

python3 -m venv bla
source bla/bin/activate
python3 -m pip list

I see

Package    Version
---------- -------
pip        22.0.2
setuptools 59.6.0

which means I am getting setuptool in all virtual environments I make on my machine. I think the same happens in the CI environment, which is why the CI passes.

@hansenp what do you see when you create a fresh environment? Do you have setuptools there? If not, that would explain the issues you described.

pnrobinson commented 2 months ago

I think this package should be installed system wide and not by this package!