monarch-initiative / uphenotizer

Repo to manage some simple conversions of post composed phenotypes into dospd patterns.
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SGD chemical phenotypes #3

Open matentzn opened 2 months ago

matentzn commented 2 months ago

The alliance SGD records have many entries like:

            "conditionRelations": [
                    "conditionRelationType": "has_condition",
                    "conditions": [
                            "chemicalOntologyId": "CHEBI:78661",
                            "conditionClassId": "ZECO:0000111",
                            "conditionStatement": "chemical:borrelidin"
            "dateAssigned": "2006-05-05T00:05:00-00:00",
            "evidence": {
                "publicationId": "PMID:785224"
            "objectId": "SGD:S000000854",
            "phenotypeStatement": "decreased resistance to chemicals",
            "phenotypeTermIdentifiers": [
                    "termId": "APO:0000003",
                    "termOrder": 1
                    "termId": "APO:0000087",
                    "termOrder": 2

You can find the corresponding SGD record here:


To extract our g2p faithfully, I think we need to do not only take into account the phenotype statement, but also the experimental conditions. So, we do not just do what we usually do:

SGD:S000000854 --[has phenotype]--> APO:0000087 (resistance to chemicals) and 'has modifier' some APO:0000003 (decreased)

but we do the following:

SGD:S000000854 --[has phenotype]--> APO:0000087 (resistance to chemicals) and 'characteristic of' some CHEBI:78661 and 'has modifier' some APO:0000003 (decreased)

Please confirm.

srengel commented 2 months ago

Hi @matentzn, is it true that the CHEBI ID does need to be included in the 'resistance to chemicals' phenotypes for them to be accurately represented.

is that what you are asking?

i don't have input regarding format of your statement (SGD:S000000854 --[has phenotype]--> APO:0000087 (resistance to chemicals) and 'characteristic of' some CHEBI:78661 and 'has modifier' some APO:0000003 (decreased)) because i don't know the usage/formatting rules.

matentzn commented 2 months ago

@srengel thanks, that is what we thought! Great, thank you! Thats all we needed to know!

matentzn commented 2 months ago

cc @kevinschaper!

kevinschaper commented 2 months ago

Hi @srengel!

I think we’re trying to tease out how the chemical is involved. Is it that HOM3 has a decreased chemical resistance phenotype in the context of environmental exposure to borrelidin, or that HOM3 has a decreased resistance to borrelidin phenotype?

matentzn commented 2 months ago

I was hoping the meaning is: HOM3 expression Causes increased resistance to borrelidin.

srengel commented 2 months ago

I was hoping the meaning is: HOM3 expression Causes increased resistance to borrelidin.

No, this is not correct, it does not mean this.

SGD phenotypes are always MUTANT phenotypes. the type of mutant must also be indicated. the Alliance phenotype records are incomplete for yeast because they do not accommodate the mutant_type information.

in the example in this ticket, @kevinschaper the [some mutant_type] of HOM3 has decreased resistance to borrelidin relative to wild-type

the mutant_types are these:

APO:0000007 misexpression APO:0000008 overexpression APO:0000009 activation APO:0000010 gain of function APO:0000011 null APO:0000012 repressible APO:0000013 reduction of function APO:0000014 conditional APO:0000015 unspecified

kevinschaper commented 2 months ago

Oh! that's super helpful, thank you @srengel! Are the gene to phenotype associations with mutant type downloadable directly from SGD?

srengel commented 2 months ago

oh yes!, the entire set of phenotype data can be accessed via YeastMine: