mondalaci / dxf2svg2kicad

DXF to SVG to KICAD_PCB converter webapp that runs purely on the client side
GNU General Public License v3.0
98 stars 22 forks source link

Solidworks 2013 DXF export #1

Closed mmmstew closed 10 years ago

mmmstew commented 10 years ago

I can't seem to export a DXF from Solidworks 2013 that will be recognized by your converter. I've tried two things: export 2D sketch directly from new part, and export 2D sketch directly from drawing. The export from the part simple isn't recognized, while the export from the drawing shows only the drawing template and not the part. I suspect something as simple as the color or layer that is used? Fiddling with various export options doesn't seem to help.

Unfortunatel GitHub only allows upload of GIF/JPG so I have renamed the extension tp .JPG. Hopefully the upload doesn't corrupt the file:

part1 dxf

Regards Mikael

mondalaci commented 10 years ago

For completeness sake and to make sure the upload doesn't corrupt any files could you please create a repo and upload the DXFs exported with various options? That'd also provide me a wider range of samples to look into. Please make the filenames reflect the related export options. Thanks!

mondalaci commented 10 years ago

Never mind - the attached file looks legit when opened by QCAD. I plan to look into it on this week.

mmmstew commented 10 years ago

Apologies, was meant to do this for you at work but got distracted. I now have some DXF exports from Solidworks that work through TTConv, but this remains a hassle to use and took some days of waiting to have installed on the company network due to prohibitive IT policies. If you want I can send these tested DXFs? I very much like the idea of your work..I guess I owe you a beer!

Cheers, Mikael

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:09 PM, László Monda notifications@github.comwrote:

Never mind - the attached file looks legit when opened by QCAD. I plan to look into it on this week.

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mondalaci commented 10 years ago

No problem at all! All your test DXFs would be very much appreciated as more tests help me improve the app. I'm also fine with beers ;)

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 2:54 AM, mbranddev wrote:

Apologies, was meant to do this for you at work but got distracted. I now have some DXF exports from Solidworks that work through TTConv, but this remains a hassle to use and took some days of waiting to have installed on the company network due to prohibitive IT policies. If you want I can send these tested DXFs? I very much like the idea of your work..I guess I owe you a beer!

Cheers, Mikael

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:09 PM, László Monda notifications@github.comwrote:

Never mind - the attached file looks legit when opened by QCAD. I plan to look into it on this week.

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László Monda |

mmmstew commented 10 years ago

Ok I've attached a couple test files that didn't seem to convert: No message reported and no preview given.

I have also included corresponding mod files that were generated with TTCONV0.2. I modified the layers in a text editor so that they would appear as board outline, though I left some artifacts (holes) in user layer just as guides for actual drill holes to be detailed in NC drill because they need plating.

I used TTCONV to export .mod files instead of .kicad_pcb files because I had already completed 90% of each PCB and wasn't sure how to transfer my design into a fresh PCB. There is a problem with this that of course you have to fiddle with layers in a text editor and also design rules are ignored, e.g. copper pour does not see board edge. It was a rush job but it worked. Anyhow, you might find them useful..


On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 10:48 PM, László Monda notifications@github.comwrote:

No problem at all! All your test DXFs would be very much appreciated as more tests help me improve the app. I'm also fine with beers ;)

On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 2:54 AM, mbranddev wrote:

Apologies, was meant to do this for you at work but got distracted. I now have some DXF exports from Solidworks that work through TTConv, but this remains a hassle to use and took some days of waiting to have installed on the company network due to prohibitive IT policies. If you want I can send these tested DXFs? I very much like the idea of your work..I guess I owe you a beer!

Cheers, Mikael

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 11:09 PM, László Monda notifications@github.comwrote:

Never mind - the attached file looks legit when opened by QCAD. I plan to look into it on this week.

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László Monda |

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PCBNEW-LibModule-V1 30/1/2007-20:37:26 $INDEX Test $EndINDEX $MODULE Test Po 0 0 0 15 45BFAC63 00000000 ~~ Li Test Sc 00000000 Op 0 0 0 T0 0 -500 300 300 0 30 N V 21 "Test" T1 0 0 300 300 0 30 N V 21 "VAL**" DA 8503 1463 8110 1463 -900 50 28 DA 10066 1515 10393 1515 -900 50 28 DA 8228 -2381 7949 -2762 -1075 50 28 DA 7716 -3080 7949 -2762 -537 50 28 DA 7716 -1683 8110 -1683 -537 50 28 DA 3444 -2401 3838 -2401 -900 50 28 DA 3444 1948 3444 2342 -900 50 28 DA -1968 2736 -1574 2736 -900 50 28 DA -1968 3484 -1968 3877 -900 50 28 DA -6850 3484 -7244 3484 -900 50 28 DA -6299 1948 -6692 1948 -900 50 28 DA -7637 2854 -7244 2854 -900 50 28 DA -7716 2066 -8110 2066 -900 50 28 DA 1968 3484 1574 3484 -900 50 28 DA 0 -4370 -1147 -2796 -360 50 28 DA 0 -4370 0 -2421 -360 50 28 DA 1968 2736 1968 2342 -900 50 28 DA -6299 -2401 -6299 -2795 -900 50 28 DC 8818 3090 9014 3090 50 26 DC 8228 -2381 8424 -2381 50 26 DC -8818 3090 -8622 3090 50 26 DC -8818 1515 -8622 1515 50 26 DC -8818 -2381 -8622 -2381 50 26 DA 7755 3523 7755 3877 -900 50 28 DA 8464 2999 8464 2645 -900 50 28 DA 9291 2251 9291 2645 -1800 50 28 DA 8464 -4030 8618 -4348 -1158 50 28 DA 7243 -1515 10393 -1515 -641 50 28 DA 9147 794 9147 401 -1800 50 28 DA 7244 1515 7244 4665 -900 50 28 DA -7244 1515 -10393 1515 -900 50 28 DA -8464 -4030 -8110 -4030 -1158 50 28 DA -7244 -1515 -8619 -4348 -641 50 28 DS 9291 1857 8503 1857 50 28 DS 9147 401 10393 401 50 28 DS 8110 -1683 8110 1463 50 28 DS 3838 -2401 3838 1948 50 28 DS -6299 -2795 -1147 -2795 50 28 DS 1147 -2795 3444 -2795 50 28 DS 1968 2342 3444 2342 50 28 DS -7716 2460 -7637 2460 50 28 DS -7244 2854 -7244 3484 50 28 DS -6850 3877 -1968 3877 50 28 DS -1574 3484 -1574 2736 50 28 DS -1968 2342 -6299 2342 50 28 DS -6692 1948 -6692 -2401 50 28 DS 1574 3484 1574 2736 50 28 DS 7755 3877 1968 3877 50 28 DS 8110 3523 8110 2999 50 28 DS 8464 2645 9291 2645 50 28 DS 8110 -4030 8110 -3080 50 28 DS 10393 -1515 10393 401 50 28 DS 9147 1188 10066 1188 50 28 DS 7244 4665 -7244 4665 50 28 DS -10393 1515 -10393 -1515 50 28 DS -8110 -4030 -8110 2066 50 28 $EndMODULE Test $EndLIBRARY

PCBNEW-LibModule-V1 30/1/2007-20:37:26 $INDEX Test $EndINDEX $MODULE Test Po 0 0 0 15 45BFAC63 00000000 ~~ Li Test Sc 00000000 Op 0 0 0 T0 0 -500 300 300 0 30 N V 21 "Test" T1 0 0 300 300 0 30 N V 21 "VAL**" DA -1 9750 3744 -7873 -239 50 28 DA 6299 -6299 7865 -6459 -841 50 28 DA -1 9750 12794 -2934 -193 50 28 DA 0 -10867 7847 6584 -177 50 28 DA 6299 6299 6299 7874 -795 50 28 DA 0 -10867 -3861 7874 -232 50 28 DA -6299 6299 -7847 6584 -795 50 28 DA 0 -10867 -12795 3360 -177 50 28 DA -1 9750 -7865 -6460 -193 50 28 DA -6299 -6299 -6299 -7874 -841 50 28 DC -6299 -6299 -5512 -6299 50 26 DC 6299 -6299 7086 -6299 50 26 DC 8228 -1397 8621 -1397 50 26 DC 8818 4074 9211 4074 50 26 DC 6299 6299 7086 6299 50 26 DC -6299 6299 -5512 6299 50 26 DC -8818 4074 -8425 4074 50 26 DC -8818 2500 -8425 2500 50 26 DC -8818 -1397 -8425 -1397 50 26 DC 0 -3287 1545 -3287 50 28 DA 0 0 -3639 -6535 -3017 50 28 DA 3543 -6363 3638 -6534 -1191 50 28 DA 3149 -1476 3149 -1279 -900 50 28 DA -3149 -1476 -3346 -1476 -900 50 28 DA -3543 -6363 -3346 -6363 -1191 50 28 DS -3747 -7874 -6299 -7874 50 28 DS 6299 -7874 3744 -7874 50 28 DS 12795 3360 12795 -2934 50 28 DS 3861 7874 6299 7874 50 28 DS -6299 7874 -3861 7874 50 28 DS -12795 -2937 -12795 3360 50 28 DS 3346 -6363 3346 -1476 50 28 DS 3149 -1279 -3149 -1279 50 28 DS -3346 -1476 -3346 -6363 50 28 $EndMODULE Test $EndLIBRARY

mondalaci commented 10 years ago

I can't do anything with these two mod files because dxf2svg2kicad is only supposed to convert DXF and SVG files. Please attach such files upon reporting a bug and possibly open a new issue because your originally attached file already works with the app. Thanks!

mmmstew commented 10 years ago

The mod files were produced by TTConv from the DXF, so I thought they may be of use but it turns out the issue I'm having appears to be with my browser and not the DXF files. It seems IE9 is not compatible with your page whereas Firefox works fine.

Cheers Mikael

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 8:54 AM, László Monda notifications@github.comwrote:

I can't do anything with these two mod files because dxf2svg2kicad is only supposed to convert DXF and SVG files. Please attach such files upon reporting a bug and possibly open a new issue because your originally attached file already works with the app. Thanks!

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