mondora / asteroid

An alternative client for a Meteor backend
MIT License
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Questions about the state of Asteroid #115

Open aadamsx opened 7 years ago

aadamsx commented 7 years ago

I am considering using Asteroid in order to separate the Meteor backend from the client. This way I can share one backend with several Meteor clients to start.

But there are a few red flags on this project:

@davidebianchi you answered a question 4 days ago, but a lot of questions/issues have gone unanswered, there's a PR waiting to be merged, and there's been no activity on the master branch since last year (I know issue#102 has been updated recently). Why, is this project considered feature/bug complete by mondroa or are there no longer resources being applied to it for another reason?

Also, branch 'Issue#102', seems to be more active than master, do you recommend using this branch over master?

Will the master branch developed beyond Oct '16?

Also, will Asteroid work with Meteor 1.5 and Dynamic imports (

davidebianchi commented 7 years ago

Hi @aadamsx,

Because of the problems founded in using createUser method, we programmed a v3 release of asteroid soon with full support of Meteor version 1.3 and 1.4 and with some improvement to better use asteroid with react-native (we created a mobile app in production using asteroid with RN: iwapp).

I created the issue#102 branch to solve the issue, so i don't recommend to use this branch because it will be closed very soon.

I haven't checked anything with Meteor v1.5 and the Dynamic Imports anymore, but we'll do some checks before the v3 release.

I scheduled to follow the PR and the open issues in the next weeks.

I hope you decide to use this library for your app 😄


aadamsx commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the feedback!

This library looks useful for splitting up my application. And since there seems to be planned future development, I'll look at adopting it for my project.

kimile commented 7 years ago

Hello davidebianchi,

When you say that you plan a v3 release of asteroid to support Meteor 1.3 and 1.4, is that only related with createUser method, or are the some other problems to expect if migrating meteor to those versions? Should login / sessions work properly?

I'm having some issues of loosing authentication and, after reading your answer, I'm thinking if it may have something to do with Asteroid.


joshua1 commented 7 years ago

Hi @davidebianchi any update here please? Thanks

janzheng commented 6 years ago

any updates coming in 2018? :)