mondora / asteroid

An alternative client for a Meteor backend
MIT License
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Offline storage #39

Open amannn opened 9 years ago

amannn commented 9 years ago

First of all: Thank you so much for developing this project. I've read your blog post and I always felt exactly the same, not wanting to go for an all-in for Meteor, but rather use just the server part with a DDP connection to a client.

One thing I'd really like to use is offline storage, like they do in the Meteor world with Ground DB. Would something like this be possible with Asteroid?

pscanf commented 9 years ago

Hi there :-) ,

I peeked through GroundDB's source and it seems like it shouldn't be a problem to replicate its logic with Asteroid. Offline support could be added with a plugin (as it's done for OAuth functionalities). I've thought about it in the past actually, but I've always been reluctant as I didn't want to deal with conflict resolution. Right now unfortunately I don't have time to add the functionality myself, but I would gladly merge any PRs regarding it. :-)

In the next days I'll be working on a small refactor of the library. En passant, I could bake in the possibility to hook into various Asteroid and collection events, to make it easier to add offline support.


amannn commented 9 years ago

A plugin would be the best choice indeed.

Full offline support is definitely a bit of work. I guess I can work around it for now. I just wanted to point it out maybe for future versions :).

joshua1 commented 9 years ago

This would be a great one to have. just the missing piece in my combo of appgyver supersonic, asteroid and meteor

thaiat commented 9 years ago


navinSing commented 9 years ago
