mondora / asteroid

An alternative client for a Meteor backend
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LoginWith * Redirects do not work (Chrom Extension) #43

Closed bernatfortet closed 9 years ago

bernatfortet commented 9 years ago

For some reason I can't make Facebook or Twitter Login to work on my chrome extension

        this.ddp = new Asteroid("localhost:3000");

        this.ddp.on('connected', =>
            console.log 'Connected'

            this.ddp.resumeLoginPromise.then( ->
                console.log ('ok')
            ).fail( =>
                console.log 'fail, now log in'

                this.ddp.subscribe("meteor.loginServiceConfiguration").ready.then =>

This sends me to an endlessly loading new tab.

The following images are the callback urls for the facebook and twitter apps. screen shot 2015-02-09 at 11 00 05 am screen shot 2015-02-09 at 11 00 10 am

Any idea on why is this happening?


bernatfortet commented 9 years ago

I'm getting this error from the server. screen shot 2015-02-10 at 9 16 22 pm

pscanf commented 9 years ago

Hi Bernat,

Sorry for the late reply, I've had some busy days. :-)

I think I saw that error before, but I can't remember exactly when or where. How about a hangout to figure it out? (I'm finding google hangouts a much quicker way to solve issues, it takes me forever to type :-D )

Let me know Cheers!

pscanf commented 9 years ago

Fixed via hangout iirc. Reopen if necessary. :smiley:

bernatfortet commented 9 years ago

@pscanf hello Paolo. I was wondering if we could have another hangout to dicuss this. I've had some time to look into it again. Thanks in advance for your time!


AayushShrestha commented 7 years ago

@pscanf @bernatfortet Hello Guys.

I am trying to use asteroid-oauth-mixin to make google login in my extension that connects with my meteor app. I was able to get the login popup. After I select an account, the popup goes blank. Can you guys please help me?