mondora / asteroid

An alternative client for a Meteor backend
MIT License
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What's the deal with asteroid.browser on npmjs? #70

Closed dandv closed 8 years ago

dandv commented 9 years ago

I found this package published by @endows,

Are they associated with the project? Hey @endows, can you please update the README of your fork and point package.json to your repo? (Sorry I couldn't file an issue there - issues are disabled by default in forks)

Also, do we really need a separate package?

endows commented 9 years ago

No. This repo is to private. What do you want ? Delete it? I'll not delete it.

dandv commented 9 years ago

Hi @endows, looks like there's a language/culture clash/barrier here. Please try to be nicer. The Meteor community has traditionally been a welcoming place; let's keep it that way.

So the npm package is public, because I and others can see it, and it appears in search results for asteroid.

Your fork (GitHub repo) is also public -

Do you mean that you want this package to be used only privately by you? In that case, you might want to obtain a private npm modules account -

I would like to understand what the motivation was for creating this npm package, given that the file you need from it, asteroid.browser.js, already exists in the official Asteroid npm package published by @pscanf.

I would also like to respectfully request, if you really want to keep this package public on npm, to mention that it's a fork of the original, credit its author (@pscanf), and mention how your fork is different from the original.

Nothing out of the ordinary; just common sense courtesy in the open source world.

dandv commented 9 years ago

PS @endows: the website you're listing on your GitHub profile,, seems infected by malware because it tries to trick me to install some fake Windows drivers. Maybe your GitHub account has been hacked?

endows commented 9 years ago is haked. but github account is not haked.

asteroid.browser is made for browser.When using browserify,mondora/asteroid is not work.because package.json's main path is "dist/asteroid.node.js". asteroid.browser's main path is "dist/asteroid.browse.js"

This is very important package. I'll not delete it.If there is a complaint,Litigate it.

dandv commented 9 years ago

I'll not delete it.If there is a complaint,Litigate it.


Okay, I give up :)