mondwan / cpp-surveillance-cli

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Decoding I-Frame from stream... #2

Open Omid3d opened 7 years ago

Omid3d commented 7 years ago


I have studied your ClientDemo2 project written in C++ and have a big problem. In "RealDataCallBack_V2" event how we can extract JPEG data from *pFrame parameter when pFrame->nPacketType is VIDEO_I_FRAME ?

Actually in this example the decoding is done with H264 dll library. But is there any way to decode I-Frame data without using H264 decoder?

Please help me.

mondwan commented 7 years ago

I am afraid that nothing I can help here.

Codes here are unpacked from XiongMai and this project is simply a place for me to put and study later on.... For questions like that, I guess you need to browse their forum and see whether there are solutions for you.

Omid3d commented 7 years ago

Thank you for quick response. Do you know any way to contact with programmers team of this project. Because documentation is in Chinese language version and is very poor in description of sdk?

mondwan commented 7 years ago

As this is a commercial library, I do not think there is a author information. You may try to download the latest SDK from them and see whether there are english manual.