monemati / PX4-ROS2-Gazebo-YOLOv8

Aerial Object Detection using a Drone with PX4 Autopilot and ROS 2. PX4 SITL and Gazebo Garden used for Simulation. YOLOv8 used for Object Detection.
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aruco detection #11

Open Meriem-ghrissi opened 2 months ago

Meriem-ghrissi commented 2 months ago

hello i am trying to detect /track aruco markers using this code import rclpy # Python library for ROS 2 from rclpy.node import Node # Handles the creation of nodes from rclpy.qos import qos_profile_sensor_data # Uses Best Effort reliability for camera from cv_bridge import CvBridge # Package to convert between ROS and OpenCV Images from geometry_msgs.msg import TransformStamped # Handles TransformStamped message from sensor_msgs.msg import Image # Image is the message type from std_msgs.msg import Bool # Handles boolean messages from std_msgs.msg import Int32 # Handles int 32 type message

Import Python libraries

import cv2 # OpenCV library import numpy as np # Import Numpy library

The different ArUco dictionaries built into the OpenCV library.

ARUCO_DICT = { "DICT_4X4_50": cv2.aruco.DICT_4X4_50, "DICT_4X4_100": cv2.aruco.DICT_4X4_100, "DICT_4X4_250": cv2.aruco.DICT_4X4_250, "DICT_4X4_1000": cv2.aruco.DICT_4X4_1000, "DICT_5X5_50": cv2.aruco.DICT_5X5_50, "DICT_5X5_100": cv2.aruco.DICT_5X5_100, "DICT_5X5_250": cv2.aruco.DICT_5X5_250, "DICT_5X5_1000": cv2.aruco.DICT_5X5_1000, "DICT_6X6_50": cv2.aruco.DICT_6X6_50, "DICT_6X6_100": cv2.aruco.DICT_6X6_100, "DICT_6X6_250": cv2.aruco.DICT_6X6_250, "DICT_6X6_1000": cv2.aruco.DICT_6X6_1000, "DICT_7X7_50": cv2.aruco.DICT_7X7_50, "DICT_7X7_100": cv2.aruco.DICT_7X7_100, "DICT_7X7_250": cv2.aruco.DICT_7X7_250, "DICT_7X7_1000": cv2.aruco.DICT_7X7_1000, "DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL": cv2.aruco.DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL }

class ArucoNode(Node): """ Create an ArucoNode class, which is a subclass of the Node class. """ def init(self): """ Class constructor to set up the node """

Initiate the Node class's constructor and give it a name


# Declare parameters
self.declare_parameter("aruco_dictionary_name", "DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL")
self.declare_parameter("aruco_marker_side_length", 0.05)
self.declare_parameter("camera_calibration_parameters_filename", "/home/boxtech/PX4-ROS2-Gazebo-YOLOv8/calibration_chessboard.yaml")
self.declare_parameter("image_topic", "/camera")
self.declare_parameter("aruco_marker_name", "aruco_marker")

# Read parameters
aruco_dictionary_name = self.get_parameter("aruco_dictionary_name").get_parameter_value().string_value
self.aruco_marker_side_length = self.get_parameter("aruco_marker_side_length").get_parameter_value().double_value
self.camera_calibration_parameters_filename = self.get_parameter(
image_topic = self.get_parameter("image_topic").get_parameter_value().string_value
self.aruco_marker_name = self.get_parameter("aruco_marker_name").get_parameter_value().string_value

# Check that we have a valid ArUco marker
if ARUCO_DICT.get(aruco_dictionary_name, None) is None:
  self.get_logger().info("[INFO] ArUCo tag of '{}' is not supported".format(

# Load the camera parameters from the saved file
cv_file = cv2.FileStorage(
  self.camera_calibration_parameters_filename, cv2.FILE_STORAGE_READ) 
self.mtx = cv_file.getNode('K').mat()
self.dst = cv_file.getNode('D').mat()

# Load the ArUco dictionary
self.get_logger().info("[INFO] detecting '{}' markers...".format(
self.this_aruco_dictionary = cv2.aruco.Dictionary_get(ARUCO_DICT[aruco_dictionary_name])
self.this_aruco_parameters = cv2.aruco.DetectorParameters_create()

# Create the subscriber. This subscriber will receive an Image
# from the image_topic. 
self.subscription = self.create_subscription(
self.subscription # prevent unused variable warning

# Create the publishers
# Publishes if an ArUco marker was detected
self.publisher_aruco_marker_detected = self.create_publisher(Bool, 'aruco_marker_detected', 10)

# Publishes x-centroid offset with respect to the camera image
self.publisher_offset_aruco_marker = self.create_publisher(Int32, 'aruco_marker_offset', 10)
self.offset_aruco_marker = 0

# Used to convert between ROS and OpenCV images
self.bridge = CvBridge()

def listener_callback(self, data): """ Callback function. """

Convert ROS Image message to OpenCV image

current_frame = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data)

# Detect ArUco markers in the video frame
(corners, marker_ids, rejected) = cv2.aruco.detectMarkers(
  current_frame, self.this_aruco_dictionary, parameters=self.this_aruco_parameters,
  cameraMatrix=self.mtx, distCoeff=self.dst)

# ArUco detected (True or False)
aruco_detected_flag = Bool() = False

# ArUco center offset
aruco_center_offset_msg = Int32() = self.offset_aruco_marker

image_width = current_frame.shape[1]

# Check that at least one ArUco marker was detected
if marker_ids is not None:

  # ArUco marker has been detected = True

  # Draw a square around detected markers in the video frame
  cv2.aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(current_frame, corners, marker_ids)

  # Update the ArUco marker offset 
  M = cv2.moments(corners[0][0])
  cX = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])
  cY = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])

  self.offset_aruco_marker = cX - int(image_width/2) = self.offset_aruco_marker

  cv2.putText(current_frame, "Center Offset: " + str(self.offset_aruco_marker), (cX - 40, cY - 40), 
    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.7, (0, 255, 0), 2) 

# Publish if ArUco marker has been detected or not

# Publish the center offset of the ArUco marker

# Display image for testing
cv2.imshow("camera", current_frame)

def main(args=None):

Initialize the rclpy library


Create the node

aruco_node = ArucoNode()

Spin the node so the callback function is called.


Destroy the node explicitly

(optional - otherwise it will be done automatically

when the garbage collector destroys the node object)


Shutdown the ROS client library for Python

rclpy.shutdown() got it from automatic addison repository but it displays the window and never detect the aruco on the camera frame python3 [INFO] [1715685902.300350418] [aruco_node]: [INFO] detecting 'DICT_ARUCO_ORIGINAL' markers... can you help me resolve it i am using your model as example

monemati commented 2 months ago

@Meriem-ghrissi Hi. Did you add the aruco model inside gazebo?

Meriem-ghrissi commented 2 months ago

yes , but it is not detecting it

Meriem-ghrissi commented 2 months ago

this is from the camera window

Screenshot from 2024-05-14 15-57-00

monemati commented 2 months ago

@Meriem-ghrissi If you are seeing the marker in the camera window it means the topic has the information, maybe the issue is in the config part, especially # Declare parameters.

Meriem-ghrissi commented 2 months ago

do you have any idea how to calibrate the camera of gz_x500_depth (how to edit calibration_chessboard.yaml)

monemati commented 2 months ago

@Meriem-ghrissi I did not calibrated robot's cameras in gazebo because I thought there is no distortion, But if you want to do it you can check this and this. Also the cameras in gazebo have some definitions in their sdf file.