Closed jibinpaul09 closed 6 years ago
Are you testing it locally? Could you verify if you can reach the port for Monero Wallet rpc in your browser?
hello, Iam testing this plugin in amazon server. when i print_r($monero_daemon); this coe iam getting the below output,
Monero_Payments Object ( [url:Monero_Payments:private] => [client:Monero_Payments:private] => jsonRPCClient Object ( [url:protected] => [is_debug:protected] => [parameters_structure:protected] => array [username:jsonRPCClient:private] => [password:jsonRPCClient:private] => [curl_options:protected] => Array ( [78] => 8 [13] => 8 ) [httpErrors:jsonRPCClient:private] => Array ( [400] => 400 Bad Request [401] => 401 Unauthorized [403] => 403 Forbidden [404] => 404 Not Found [405] => 405 Method Not Allowed [406] => 406 Not Acceptable [408] => 408 Request Timeout [500] => 500 Internal Server Error [502] => 502 Bad Gateway [503] => 503 Service Unavailable ) ) [ip:Monero_Payments:private] => [port:Monero_Payments:private] => 18081 [user] => [password] => )
Does this is because of any protection enabled in my server or anything else. Can you please give me a solution.
How did you run Monero Wallet rpc?
Hello, By using ./monerod command. And i also got the wallet address when i use the ./monero-wallet-cli command
You have to run Monero Wallet
Is there any additional configuration needed in my core walet to connect to the monero plugin.. I need php plug in to do this integration not wordpress. When i trying to connect other plugins i have done come configurations in my wallet.Like that do i need any additional configuration done in my monero wallet? Can you please provide me a solution. Is there any difference in monero-wallet-cli and monero-waller-rpc.. Is there any version problem occure when we integrate this plugin with the core.
I installed the monero wallet using the below link
Monero Wallet RPC builds a JSON RPC API for managing your wallet by external "calls". Monero Wallet Command Line Interface is a program for managing your wallet by command line.
Hello, I coudnt get the result from monero wallet after the installation of both wallet and this plug in. I changed the ip and port number in the example.php file.but i coudnt get the expected reply. how can i get the there any additional settings is needed for the proper integration.