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Monero Research Lab e-mail addresses #150

Closed b-g-goodell closed 6 years ago

b-g-goodell commented 6 years ago

Sarang and I (and any future researchers) should have Monero Research Lab e-mail addresses.

anonimal commented 6 years ago

Should the same apply to lead devs too? I personally don't like all of my reliance on (or any other non-monero) account but, in acquiring new emails, would this open up new attack vectors?

b-g-goodell commented 6 years ago

Apply to devs? Yes, I think so. I would just be rerouting the formal email address to an account I would be likely to use anyway.

New attack vector? I suppose! If my monero email address is compromised, the attackers could spoof who I am with it, etc. But we have our own forums for funding, etc, and it wouldn't be inserting any attack vectors that weren't already inserted by the forum... (imo... I'm open to changing my view, though).

michaesc commented 6 years ago

Michael requests a email address, useful when speaking at events or to journalists.

Since SMTP is so easy to manipulate, I don't think new attack vectors associated with email addresses should be considered a game changer. Instead, they should be considered along the lines of social engineering, which only requires weak use of signatures to succeed. Does that make sense?

serhack commented 6 years ago

Social engineering is very common attack for email. Does have a firewall for spam?

michaesc commented 6 years ago

Hi there @danrmiller! Unless there is ongoing debate about this, please configure an address (same as my forum, taiga, mattermost, and other name 'Michael') for me:

...and indicate (private or public) which server credentials (protocol, port, host...) to use. The only thing left to decide is how to configure secrets on the authentication server (SASL or whatever) and my client. Do you have a standard way of doing this?

My S/MIME and GPG information is online: (Key 1024D/52859ED3)

danrmiller commented 6 years ago

@michaesc I don't handle the current email for Its probably fluffypony.

fluffypony commented 6 years ago

@danrmiller did we not move it over to Zoho? Whoops...I think I may have dreamt that we finished doing that🤦🏻‍♂️

Let's do the Zoho move in the next week and make sure we setup all the groups / forwarders as they currently are, then we're golden.

michaesc commented 6 years ago

Was the Zoho move completed, and let's make the next step with mail configuration if Zoho is complete?

michaesc commented 6 years ago

@danrmiller Are you able to administer services on the Zoho (whatever that is?) I believe the move has been completed, since this bug report is almost 2 months old. It's possible there's information that needs to be exchanged, hostnames and usernames?

danrmiller commented 6 years ago

No, @fluffypony and I will have to catch up to work this out.

danrmiller commented 6 years ago

This is complete and fluffypony will be in contact to get you setup. Otherwise you can find me as pigeons on freenode..

b-g-goodell commented 6 years ago
