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MoneroKon 2022 Planning Meeting: Sunday 23rd January 2022 @ 18:00 UTC #650

Closed umma08 closed 2 years ago

umma08 commented 2 years ago



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18:00 UTC

Proposed Meeting Items
: Please comment on GitHub in advance of the meeting if you would like to propose an agenda item.


  1. Greetings
  2. Update on CCS status
  3. Update on contract between DR and G+H (all)
  4. Update on availability/quotes (G+H)
  5. Update on website (ajs)
  6. Update on linked account for ticketing (DR+ajs)
  7. Update on graphics/vote on colour scheme (gnuteardrops)
  8. Update on requirement for local event support staff (all)
  9. Updates from kanban board (if applicable)
  10. Update on Cryptpad (carrington)
  11. Agree next steps
  12. AOB
  13. Confirm next meeting time and date
umma08 commented 2 years ago

[2022-01-23 18:00:14] Hello all - Its MoneroKon Planning meeting time. Agenda may be found here: [2022-01-23 18:00:20] 1. Greetings [2022-01-23 18:00:29] → sgp[m] joined (~sgpmatrix@2001:470:69fc:105::3825) [2022-01-23 18:01:09] Hello. [2022-01-23 18:01:10] [telegram] Hi [2022-01-23 18:01:25] <deedledea[m]> hello :) [2022-01-23 18:01:58] hi all. [2022-01-23 18:02:05] [telegram] Hello [2022-01-23 18:02:05] 2. Update on CCS status [2022-01-23 18:02:34] so a quick update. the CCS has raised ~253 XMR so far - which is fantastic [2022-01-23 18:03:01] i am hoping that one more week of fundraising will get us over the line [2022-01-23 18:03:29] thanks to everyone that has donated so far - and thanks to the General Fund for donating a sizeable chunk [2022-01-23 18:04:40] <deedledea[m]> exciting news! [2022-01-23 18:04:56] are there any questions or concerns on the CCS so far? [2022-01-23 18:05:05] [telegram] No that’s great news [2022-01-23 18:05:56] 3. Update on contract between DR and G+H (all) [2022-01-23 18:06:17] i think we have final text now for the contract (i know i have said this a few times though) [2022-01-23 18:06:34] Huichi, have you read the very recently added cancellation text? [2022-01-23 18:06:44] is that ok from your side (or does it need amending)? [2022-01-23 18:08:00] [telegram] Give me a few mins to read - do go ahead with other items on the agenda in the meantime [2022-01-23 18:09:46] <deedledea[m]> once Huichi approves, I can sign today :) [2022-01-23 18:11:38] deedledea[m]: ok. the next item is quotes and availability of venues [2022-01-23 18:12:00] HuiChi, is there any update on this from your side? [2022-01-23 18:13:15] It would be great to finish contracts so we can do venue negotiating full. Is that the plan or have we already started with venues @manhuichi? [2022-01-23 18:14:30] → xmrboy[m] joined (~xmrboymat@2001:470:69fc:105::1:73ed) [2022-01-23 18:15:21] msvb-web: i would agree. though i think we are sort of stuck in two hard places now. once is funding/no-funding (i.e semi-funded CCS) and one is contract/no-contract. [2022-01-23 18:15:23] [telegram] Yes I wanted to finalise the contract but did reach out to some venues in the meantime. [2022-01-23 18:15:23] [telegram] Questions: [2022-01-23 18:15:23] [telegram] 1. Are you open to hosting the event on a weekday? [2022-01-23 18:15:23] [telegram] 2. Are you okay with other weekend, before or after, close around to those dates? [2022-01-23 18:17:18] HuiChi: I think 1. the preference is a weekend. 2. Yes, i think there was flexibility for other weekends (if need be) [2022-01-23 18:19:16] [telegram] Ok sounds good. Will follow up with them to confirm some options [2022-01-23 18:20:15] <ajs[m]> hi [2022-01-23 18:21:45] Ok. my own personal thought is that we should really try and move things forward with both the contract and the venue options. [2022-01-23 18:22:52] → localmonero05 joined (~localmone@user/localmonero05) [2022-01-23 18:22:58] <deedledea[m]> agree [2022-01-23 18:23:27] let's aim for getting some resolution to both my mid-week [2022-01-23 18:23:58] are there any questions or concerns on either of the two topics, or should we move on? [2022-01-23 18:27:49] ok. 5. Update on website (ajs) [2022-01-23 18:27:56] <reset[m]> im reading for being updated . if anything monero-pt just pm us. [2022-01-23 18:28:46] We're working on updating DNS records to reflect new website design as soon as possible. [2022-01-23 18:28:56] rottenwheel: cool. [2022-01-23 18:29:01] <ajs[m]> [2022-01-23 18:29:31] the GDPR notice! quite amusing [2022-01-23 18:30:19] <ajs[m]> it is mostly done [2022-01-23 18:30:30] <ajs[m]> need to confirm Call for Presentations details [2022-01-23 18:30:53] ajs[m]: did we have text from last year? [2022-01-23 18:30:53] <ajs[m]> [2022-01-23 18:32:09] ah i see now. this looks good [2022-01-23 18:32:40] that link doesn't work (i get an error) but the CfP link on the website seems to work [2022-01-23 18:32:59] <ajs[m]> no that that I know of [2022-01-23 18:33:26] <ajs[m]> i came up with this one [2022-01-23 18:34:33] the only issue i see immediately is the 500 character limit with the abstract [2022-01-23 18:34:40] seems quite short (maybe)? [2022-01-23 18:37:38] ajs[m]: is there an update also for the ticketing side of the website? [2022-01-23 18:37:48] i know there were discussions for the payment processor [2022-01-23 18:40:12] <carrington[m]> Hello! [2022-01-23 18:41:33] <ajs[m]> that 500 limit was in the original CfP, but of course we can change the limit np [2022-01-23 18:41:46] <ajs[m]> payment processor issue still work in progress [2022-01-23 18:41:57] <ajs[m]> we need to get the site sorted out first [2022-01-23 18:42:00] ajs[m]: ok. great. [2022-01-23 18:42:17] so the next item was the colour scheme/logo/graphics. [2022-01-23 18:42:24] 7. Update on graphics/vote on colour scheme (gnuteardrops) [2022-01-23 18:42:43] my personal preference is for how it looks now, but the original was a different colour scheme [2022-01-23 18:42:55] does anyone strongly prefer that one? [2022-01-23 18:43:20] <carrington[m]> ajs: you need to send the link from cryptpad which appears once pressing "share". It is different from the URL [2022-01-23 18:43:21] <ajs[m]> there is a Shopify 3rd party app we will be using that does the ticketing part [2022-01-23 18:44:05] <carrington[m]> * the URL in your address bar [2022-01-23 18:44:39] <carrington[m]> Orange 👍 [2022-01-23 18:44:57] this is the green design (had to find it) [2022-01-23 18:44:59] [2022-01-23 18:45:10] carrington[m]: i also prefer orange [2022-01-23 18:46:03] ajs[m]: does shopify allow us to use a payment processor for crypto (or would that be separate)? [2022-01-23 18:46:50] Orange is better. [2022-01-23 18:47:16] <ajs[m]> not directly [2022-01-23 18:47:38] ajs[m]: but it can be done, right? [2022-01-23 18:48:10] <ajs[m]> would have to be a 3rd party processor or we could do "pay later" manual payments [2022-01-23 18:48:26] <ajs[m]> yes [2022-01-23 18:48:46] ok. let's keep this as an ongoing item (unless someone has ideas now they want to share) [2022-01-23 18:48:59] 8. Update on requirement for local event support staff (all) [2022-01-23 18:49:02] <ajs[m]> there are a few officially supported payment processors that accept btc [2022-01-23 18:49:14] <ajs[m]> listed there [2022-01-23 18:49:39] <ajs[m]> like coinbase commerce [2022-01-23 18:50:13] [telegram] For BTC & Lightning payments OpenNode is a good option, that can embed URL payment link on shopify to bypass their fees [2022-01-23 18:50:28] [telegram] (does not support Monero tho) [2022-01-23 18:50:47] <carrington[m]> I think the sponsor/ presenter forms are great. Of course it doesn't make sense to start sharing them until there is a firm date/venue

[2022-01-23 18:51:26] I recommend this personally. And since the entity is in the EU, they could even potentially receive EUR directly if desired: [2022-01-23 18:52:04] sgp: that sounds rational [2022-01-23 18:52:17] is there a reason why we wouldn't use nowpayments? [2022-01-23 18:52:57] (wait do nowpayments accept monero) [2022-01-23 18:53:03] <ajs[m]> fees [2022-01-23 18:53:05] fwiw, if anyone has issues with them you can ping me since we have dedicated changenow reps [2022-01-23 18:53:07] is that the main issue we have? [2022-01-23 18:53:11] ajs[m]: ah. ok [2022-01-23 18:53:27] <carrington[m]> I guess we should query if they've ever had problems paying into transferwise accounts [2022-01-23 18:53:44] <carrington[m]> Because they are a crypto company [2022-01-23 18:54:20] <sgp> yeah the fee crypto to eur bank is 1.5% I think [2022-01-23 18:54:34] [telegram] My company bank account is transferwise, I’ve used Kraken to convert to fiat and they have no problems [2022-01-23 18:55:26] <carrington[m]> Maybe they are less triggerhapoy to shut down business accounts [2022-01-23 18:55:53] carrington[m]: they may have matured a little since a few years ago [2022-01-23 18:56:12] as i also know companies that have had their transferwise accounts shut (mine included) [2022-01-23 18:56:36] <carrington[m]> True, the horror stories are all at least 3 years old [2022-01-23 18:56:43] ok, anybody object to keeping this discussion going into next week (as i don't think we will resolve it now) [2022-01-23 18:56:48] and talk about 8. Update on requirement for local event support staff (all) [2022-01-23 18:57:07] as i know we were wondering what staff we would need locally [2022-01-23 18:57:31] XMR-only w/ self-hosted BTCPayServer and call it a day. All fiat payment processors will take a cut. [2022-01-23 18:57:48] [telegram] Before the event? Or on the day? (re @xmr_eventsbot: (irc) midipoet as i know we were wondering what staff we would need locally) [2022-01-23 18:57:50] HuiChi: do you know what you need on your side in terms of staff/volunteers (or will you be organising all support staff on your end)? [2022-01-23 18:57:56] All conference costs are to be covered via CCS proposals. No need for immediate extra monies, in my opinion. It also strenghtens the ethos behind the conference; strenghtens Monero. [2022-01-23 18:58:30] @manhuichi i am guessing during the event (and probably the set-up/take-down) [2022-01-23 18:59:28] <carrington[m]> I think getting volunteers for set up /take down is possible [2022-01-23 18:59:35] <carrington[m]> From the Monero community [2022-01-23 18:59:42] rottenwheel: crypto-only may alienate some newcomers/newly interested parties to coming to the event [2022-01-23 18:59:58] carrington[m]: yes, i think so as well [2022-01-23 19:01:09] though i think the question came (as far as i remember) from the contract, which states: "Physical set up of Event site: The Consultant will set up the event and decorate it accordingly." [2022-01-23 19:01:31] midipoet: I said what I had to say re: payments. Up to ajs and others to chime in on that. We may revisit next week as you mentioned before. [2022-01-23 19:01:34] <ajs[m]> carrington: the problem is having firm commitments [2022-01-23 19:01:48] so i think the question is who would be responsible if more hands are needed (and who those hands are) [2022-01-23 19:01:58] [telegram] Yes we will need some volunteers to help for the event. It would be good if they can be available for the day before so we can meet for a briefing session. [2022-01-23 19:01:58] [telegram] Can we get a volunteer form together and share with the community? I can put it together and co-ordinate with those that are confirmed (re @xmr_events_bot: (irc) midipoet HuiChi: do you know what you need on your side in terms of staff/volunteers (or will you be organising all support staff on your end)?) [2022-01-23 19:02:13] [telegram] Yes we will need some volunteers to help for the event. It would be good if they can be available for the day before so we can meet for a briefing session. [2022-01-23 19:02:13] [telegram] Can we get a volunteer form together and share with the community? I can put it together and co-ordinate with those that confirm (re @xmr_eventsbot: (irc) midipoet HuiChi: do you know what you need on your side in terms of staff/volunteers (or will you be organising all support staff on your end)?) [2022-01-23 19:03:01] @manhuichi yeah, i think that is a good idea. does anyone have issue with this plan? [2022-01-23 19:03:15] Sure. But aren't we just a bit early for that? Work on a call for volunteers closer to event's date. Contract hasn't been signed, CCS proposal isn't fully funded yet. [2022-01-23 19:03:28] No problem with that, just give it some time, imho. [2022-01-23 19:03:47] localmonero05: i think it's good to have loose committment in the next week or two/three and work from there. [2022-01-23 19:03:56] because we need to know whether we are 1/2/5 people short [2022-01-23 19:03:59] Precisely. A bit of tnime. [2022-01-23 19:05:49] <ajs[m]> at least in key roles [2022-01-23 19:05:49] <carrington[m]> I volunteer myself as a backup volunteer, but I agree it is a little early for that and Portuguese community members should be prioritized [2022-01-23 19:05:56] [telegram] Haha yes, something to keep in mind for later. I’d say we get 15 or so people so we can rotate on shifts. Of course, us and Monero will be there for all the days too [2022-01-23 19:06:01] carrington[m]: Absolutely. kico has said he'd be willing to ping some peeps within PR community before. [2022-01-23 19:06:26] I can remind him of that, but let's wait. [2022-01-23 19:06:40] ajs_[m]: yeah - i agree. we do need to know if we have trusted/dependable people in key roles (my feeling is we will) [2022-01-23 19:07:33] rottenwheel: reset[m] has also been by as well [2022-01-23 19:07:44] Yup. [2022-01-23 19:07:45] i think it should be fine (my own feeling) [2022-01-23 19:07:54] Most likely. :) [2022-01-23 19:08:01] <deedledea[m]> I think we will, too [2022-01-23 19:08:15] <carrington[m]> But again until we have a firm date is it difficult to get firm commitments [2022-01-23 19:08:30] ok let's move to 9. Updates from kanban board (if applicable) [2022-01-23 19:08:40] carrington[m]: can we move teh kanban to disroot? [2022-01-23 19:08:58] i don't even know what disroot is (so excuse me if i should) [2022-01-23 19:09:34] <carrington[m]> Yes I have backup up the contents and was planning to move it to disroot in the next days [2022-01-23 19:09:38] (this also takes in Agenda item 10. Update on Cryptpad (carrington) [2022-01-23 19:09:43] carrington[m]: ok - great [2022-01-23 19:09:53] Just FYI. [2022-01-23 19:10:02] is there anything else on the kanban board that we need urgently (apart from contract and venue info) [2022-01-23 19:10:14] <carrington[m]> They are just another host of the cryptpad software (Seth's instance has been having issues) [2022-01-23 19:10:41] localmonero05: Thanks! [2022-01-23 19:11:01] <carrington[m]> Well if venue quotes are coming next then any objections to the venue requirements should be made asap [2022-01-23 19:11:13] 11. Agree next steps [2022-01-23 19:11:29] yes - i propose having a video call on tue/wed to discuss contract and venue [2022-01-23 19:11:48] @manhuichi would that work for you? [2022-01-23 19:12:37] by the end of that call - it would be great to have (if possible) all contract issues sorted and venue options laid out [2022-01-23 19:12:47] does anybody have any issues with that? [2022-01-23 19:13:13] deedledea[m] said she would be ready to sign contract today if G+H didn't have any additional amendments to make. [2022-01-23 19:13:18] Close to completion, it seems. [2022-01-23 19:13:30] i say this, as i know there is cancellation text on the contract that needs resolving (which may be better done on a call) [2022-01-23 19:13:43] That's fair. [2022-01-23 19:14:26] [telegram] Yes a video call would be great [2022-01-23 19:14:37] ok - do people have any preference for Tue/Wed? [2022-01-23 19:15:22] [telegram] Tuesday please [2022-01-23 19:16:07] @manhuichi from your side, will you be able to get venue availability options by that meeting, or would you prefer the contract signed before? [2022-01-23 19:16:24] (it's a bit chicken/egg, i know) [2022-01-23 19:23:33] ok - maybe there are connection issues. i will try and arrange a meeting on Jitsi for Tuesday 18 UTC. [2022-01-23 19:23:54] 12. AOB [2022-01-23 19:24:13] are there any other issues that we need to discuss? [2022-01-23 19:25:29] [xmpp] Would be good if deedledea confirms she or binaryFate can be present for such Jitsi call Tuesday @ 1800 UTC. [2022-01-23 19:25:43] rottenwheel: yeah - good shout. [2022-01-23 19:26:07] deedledea[m]: would that time work for you? (tuesday 18 UTC) [2022-01-23 19:26:31] [xmpp] No additional issues as far as I can tell. Meeting should be adjourned till next Sunday since we are close to half an hour past usual end. Both parties at Digital Renegades have been pinged. [2022-01-23 19:26:40] [xmpp] Happy Sunday, all. [2022-01-23 19:26:59] <deedledea[m]> Yep, just checked and can confirm. [2022-01-23 19:28:55] deedledea[m]: great - thanks. [2022-01-23 19:29:08] <deedledea[m]> happy Sunday, see some of you Tuesday [2022-01-23 19:29:38] [telegram] Videocall sounds great [2022-01-23 19:30:13] ok - if there are no other issues, let's leave it there. chat Tuesday. (will send out pings when have details). please let me know if you want to be there (those outside the core planning team that was present at the last video call) [2022-01-23 19:30:22] thanks for the meeting everyone [2022-01-23 19:30:52] [telegram] Just came online, will read everything now