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MoneroKon 2022 Planning Meeting: Saturday 16th April 2022 @ 18:00 UTC #687

Closed umma08 closed 2 years ago

umma08 commented 2 years ago


IRC: #monero-events Matrix: (Instructions for joining the Matrix server) Telegram:

Time: 18:00 UTC


  1. Greetings
  2. Invoices for community approval (DR)
  3. Update on venue requirements q list (G+H)
  4. CfP update (ajs)
  5. Update on sponsor interest (all)
  6. Inside banners and swag items (G+H)
  7. Food-truck (all)
  8. Night-time programming (all)
  9. Venue mural [inside] (all)
  10. AOB
  11. Confirm next meeting time and date

Please comment on GitHub in advance of the meeting if you would like to propose an agenda item.

umma08 commented 2 years ago

added CfP/voting update

umma08 commented 2 years ago

just added Greetings to start

umma08 commented 2 years ago

Logs below:

[2022-04-16 19:00:46] <midipoet> Hello all. it's MoneroKon 2022 planning meeting time. Agenda can be found here:
[2022-04-16 19:00:49] <midipoet> 1. Greetings
[2022-04-16 19:00:55] <msvb-lab> Hello.
[2022-04-16 19:00:59] → sgp_[m]1 joined (~sgpmatrix@2001:470:69fc:105::3825)
[2022-04-16 19:01:07] <binaryFate> hello
[2022-04-16 19:01:11] → DiegoSalazar[m] joined (~diegocyph@2001:470:69fc:105::7a0)
[2022-04-16 19:02:03] <deedledea[m]> hey!
[2022-04-16 19:02:48] <midipoet> hey all. 
[2022-04-16 19:03:10] <midipoet> 2. Invoices for community approval (DR)
[2022-04-16 19:03:52] <ajs_[m]> hi
[2022-04-16 19:04:27] <ajs_[m]> there is only one, which is the 65" TV rental
[2022-04-16 19:04:56] <sgp_> hello
[2022-04-16 19:05:38] <midipoet> an an update, the venue have recommended that we don't use the projector and inflatable screen, and instead use monitors on stage, scattered through the audience, and perhaps inside the bar area. 
[2022-04-16 19:06:32] <msvb-lab> It is Proforma-da-
[2022-04-16 19:06:32] <msvb-lab> 75.pdf I think.
[2022-04-16 19:07:01] <ajs_[m]> digital azul only had one TV, but they said they'll try to source more
[2022-04-16 19:07:30] <midipoet> ajs has begun sourcing rental for these - but it seems they will run at about €200 a day per screen. luckily, G+H said they have two 50" screens in storage that we can borrow to save some cost. ajs and i have discussed that we might need about 5 or 6 screens in total (and perhaps two inside the) bar area as well. any thoughts on this?
[2022-04-16 19:08:36] <ajs_[m]> maybe we could use a projector and screen inside the bar area
[2022-04-16 19:08:48] <midipoet> ajs_[m]: good idea
[2022-04-16 19:09:19] <msvb-lab> I think the projector and screen belongs to Arroz, so we would not need to rent it. Is that what others think as well?
[2022-04-16 19:10:23] <midipoet> msvb-lab: perhaps. i thought the cost for projector and screen was for the large one (and outside projector). perhaps we can enquire about this
[2022-04-16 19:11:38] <bridgerton[m]> <vik (cake wallet /> Hi
[2022-04-16 19:12:05] <midipoet> does any body have any objections to the multiple screen idea (instead of the inflatable screen+outside projector)?
[2022-04-16 19:14:14] <midipoet> ajs_[m]: do you want to vote on that invoice now for approval, or wait until digital azul know whether they can get the extra screens?
[2022-04-16 19:15:33] → rottenstonks joined (~rottensto@user/rottenstonks)
[2022-04-16 19:15:42] <msvb-lab> The screen description is 'EQUPM - Aluguer equipamento de vídeo e de iluminação.'
[2022-04-16 19:15:45] <ajs_[m]> it is better to get this one to lock it in
[2022-04-16 19:16:19] <midipoet> okay. let's vote: yes/no/abstain
[2022-04-16 19:16:24] <msvb-lab> Yes.
[2022-04-16 19:16:27] <midipoet> i vote Yes
[2022-04-16 19:16:29] <binaryFate> y
[2022-04-16 19:16:52] <ajs_[m]> invoice include 65" TV, C-stand, black flag (to block out sun light), and 15 kilos sand bag
[2022-04-16 19:17:08] <deedledea[m]> yes over here
[2022-04-16 19:17:49] <midipoet> ok. let's move on. 3. Update on venue requirements q list (G+H)
[2022-04-16 19:17:58] <monerokon-tg> [telegram] <franciscom0301>Hello guys, joining now. Doing some shopping now, but will try to follow;)
[2022-04-16 19:18:10] <midipoet> the current venue Q list is here:
[2022-04-16 19:18:52] <midipoet> we made some progress on the cost of choosing programming for nighttime, food trucks, and the potential inside mural
[2022-04-16 19:19:24] <midipoet> there is info under q's 4, 5, and 13
[2022-04-16 19:20:04] <midipoet> at the last sub-meeting, we had loose consensus around trying to get a vegan food truck (but lamented the lack of other options). We have a feeling the venue is veggie/vegan first. 
[2022-04-16 19:20:39] <midipoet> this was the Vegan truck:
[2022-04-16 19:20:52] <midipoet> they also have a website:
[2022-04-16 19:21:25] <msvb-lab> And we considered trying to obtain two different food trucks, which may not work because of area limitations.
[2022-04-16 19:21:55] <msvb-lab> If we can get two then options are 1-veggie and 2-mexican, we are waiting for information if a 3-asian option exists.
[2022-04-16 19:22:22] <msvb-lab> And we have (regardless of what trucks we choose) a pizza oven built in to our venue rental.
[2022-04-16 19:22:22] <monerokon-tg> [telegram] <franciscom0301>Nice one, they have been participating in several events, always with good customer service. They have a permanent truck at Almada (city close to Lisbon) (re @xmr_events_bot: (irc) midipoet this was the Vegan truck:
[2022-04-16 19:22:54] <midipoet> @fransciscom0301 is the food any good?
[2022-04-16 19:23:01] <msvb-lab> Are you franciscom0301 recommending the vegan truck, do you think it's a good option from your experience?
[2022-04-16 19:25:26] <midipoet> for the nighttime programming, if anybody has a preference for acts, please let me know. the list of options is in the venue q document. we have been given three "options" for price. €1k, €2k, and €6k. i initially thought €2k was a good choice, but i think we need to get clarity on what that gets us exactly, as it is not entirely clear (or i misunderstood). 
[2022-04-16 19:25:48] <monerokon-tg> [telegram] <franciscom0301>Yes, good food, won't disappoint. You can try to contact mother burger too for vegan food , but don't know if they usually provide food trucks. Anyway, veggie lovers truck would be enough for the veggie attendees imo (re @xmr_events_bot: (irc) midipoet @fransciscom0301 is the food any good?)
[2022-04-16 19:26:56] <msvb-lab> Can you please contact Mother Burger, tell them our dates and location, and ask if they can serve?
[2022-04-16 19:27:10] <msvb-lab> Is that something you can do franciscom0301?
[2022-04-16 19:27:57] <monerokon-tg> [telegram] <franciscom0301>Sure, can do maybe next week and provide you some feedback (re @xmr_events_bot: (irc) msvb-lab Can you please contact Mother Burger, tell them our dates and location, and ask if they can serve?)
[2022-04-16 19:28:33] <monerokon-tg> [telegram] <franciscom0301>Yes, we can always try, and will be easier for me because I'm portuguese (re @xmr_events_bot: (irc) msvb-lab Is that something you can do franciscom0301?)
[2022-04-16 19:29:28] <midipoet> the other main outstanding question is the inside venue wall (as opposed to the outside wall) mural opportunity. they have provided some potential artists (q13 in that doc). any thoughts on this/ideas on how we should proceed?
[2022-04-16 19:29:43] <ajs_[m]> for the nighttime programming, i would say 1-€2k, but depends what is offered
[2022-04-16 19:30:13] <ajs_[m]> we don't need major headliner imo
[2022-04-16 19:30:21] <midipoet> ajs_[m]: yeah, i think we need to negotiate on things like bar/food for monerokon attendees
[2022-04-16 19:30:38] <ajs_[m]> local underground acts/DJs would do
[2022-04-16 19:31:07] <midipoet> because in reality, if we just negotiated free entry into a gig they do the programming for, it would probably be fine and not cost us 2k
[2022-04-16 19:31:31] <msvb-lab> But ajs_[m] wouldn't it be nice to have a DJ for day breaks and early or late evening with a live band (local with no reputation) in the evening time?
[2022-04-16 19:32:02] <msvb-lab> I think the cost for a DJ is 1K and local live band is 2K, is that the impression others have as well?
[2022-04-16 19:32:15] <msvb-lab> So the combination DJ and live band would cost us 3K, and is in our budget.
[2022-04-16 19:33:10] <midipoet> msvb-lab: no - i don't think that is the way it works
[2022-04-16 19:33:23] <msvb-lab> Oops, I got it wrong.
[2022-04-16 19:33:58] <msvb-lab> We can reduce complexity and just schedule a DJ if others think that would be best. I like the live music option most, but it's a personal preference and may lead to extra work and confusion.
[2022-04-16 19:34:02] <midipoet> but we should clarify with the venue (will put it to G+H this week). however, if anybody really wants anty of the artists they have offered play, please let us know - so we can enquire. 
[2022-04-16 19:34:52] <midipoet> does anybody have thoughts on the mural?
[2022-04-16 19:35:04] <gnuteardrops[m]> <midipoet> "the other main outstanding..." <- For the mural you can use any of my graphics, and if you have any ideas I can try to illustrate them if the artists want just to paint them.
[2022-04-16 19:35:35] <msvb-lab> I think the gnuteardrops[m] design is perfect for a mural, if the artist can expand the concept horizontally.
[2022-04-16 19:35:52] <midipoet> gnuteardrops[m]: i quote like this idea. maybe we could use your drawings as "inspriation" and see if they could reinterpret
[2022-04-16 19:35:59] <monerokon-tg> [telegram] <franciscom0301>Regarding live band I can contact a brazilian amateur guy who can play there, but maybe his style won't fit the event
[2022-04-16 19:36:07] <msvb-lab> But it's unlikely a unique local artist would avoid creating their own concept by using a foreign one.
[2022-04-16 19:36:10] <midipoet> gnuteardrops[m]: do you have a preference for one of your drawings?
[2022-04-16 19:36:24] <deedledea[m]> <midipoet> "because in reality, if we just..." <- This is also a good idea if the venue was to do programming that night. Could be worth asking what event they would hold?  
[2022-04-16 19:36:56] <gnuteardrops[m]> midipoet: No. You can use anything that I've created.
[2022-04-16 19:37:01] <midipoet> ok
[2022-04-16 19:37:25] <gnuteardrops[m]> And contact if any idea occurs 
[2022-04-16 19:37:33] <midipoet> ok. i will pick some options and then see if some artists would be interested in re-imagining them (or something like that)
[2022-04-16 19:37:43] <midipoet> 4. CfP update (ajs)
[2022-04-16 19:38:02] <ajs_[m]> we have 8 proposals pending approval
[2022-04-16 19:38:48] <msvb-lab> That's great news, 8 is much more than we had before.
[2022-04-16 19:38:58] <ajs_[m]> I've DM'd links to members of CfP for them to vote anonymously on the proposals
[2022-04-16 19:39:10] <midipoet> i voted
[2022-04-16 19:39:13] <ajs_[m]> but only have received 4 votes 
[2022-04-16 19:39:30] <binaryFate> I don't think I got the voting link?
[2022-04-16 19:39:41] <ajs_[m]> I'll send
[2022-04-16 19:39:48] <binaryFate> thanks
[2022-04-16 19:40:37] <deedledea[m]> I'll vote this weekend
[2022-04-16 19:40:40] <binaryFate> how many do we aim to fit in? Knowing some target number would be helpful in judging current proposals
[2022-04-16 19:41:00] <Rucknium[m]> I have been hesitant to vote since I am not sure what other proposals may be submitted.
[2022-04-16 19:41:06] <binaryFate> do we have to filter a bit, a lot, not at all.
[2022-04-16 19:41:38] <binaryFate> Same thing as Rucknium[m], I also find it difficult without the list being complete
[2022-04-16 19:41:49] <ajs_[m]> people can vote in 3 ways, yes, no, or acceptable
[2022-04-16 19:42:13] ⇐ Batty quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer
[2022-04-16 19:42:27] <ajs_[m]> and the responses are anonymous 
[2022-04-16 19:44:08] <ajs_[m]> some of the applicants have requested to be informed of the result as soon as possible so they can start planning the trip
[2022-04-16 19:44:43] <midipoet> on the current schedule proposal we have space for six talks (30 mins) and two keynote talks (60 mins). however, we can play with timings a bit, if required.
[2022-04-16 19:45:01] <midipoet> there are also panel/workshops scheduled that we could use (if needed)
[2022-04-16 19:45:11] <ajs_[m]> we could accept/reject on a rolling basis or set a hard deadline for the submission of proposals
[2022-04-16 19:45:37] <midipoet> on the need for more proposals, gnuteardrops[m] made us a poster:
[2022-04-16 19:45:58] <midipoet> we can use for drumming up interest/putting up in places
[2022-04-16 19:45:58] <midipoet> they are open to any changes/feedback as well
[2022-04-16 19:46:29] <ajs_[m]> remove the buy tickets part
[2022-04-16 19:46:59] <ajs_[m]> and add link to
[2022-04-16 19:47:22] <gnuteardrops[m]> working on it now
[2022-04-16 19:48:47] <sgp_> Rucknium: can you have someone from the MAGIC Monero Fund fill out the CFP for a talk if any of them are going?
[2022-04-16 19:48:48] <ajs_[m]> instead of "Buy tickets" maybe "Submit you abstract" 
[2022-04-16 19:49:07] <ajs_[m]> *your
[2022-04-16 19:49:22] <ajs_[m]> or simply submit abstract
[2022-04-16 19:49:49] <midipoet> some speakers from MAGIC would be great!
[2022-04-16 19:49:56] <midipoet> sgp_: maybe even a talk about MAGIC?
[2022-04-16 19:50:09] <ajs_[m]> would also remove link to reddit and
[2022-04-16 19:50:31] <gnuteardrops[m]> So keep the 'submit your abstract' section and add the
[2022-04-16 19:50:48] <Rucknium[m]> sgp_: Yes.
[2022-04-16 19:50:50] <midipoet> i would keep the links to the reddit and website
[2022-04-16 19:51:11] <ajs_[m]> yeah, submit abstract and the link 
[2022-04-16 19:51:12] <midipoet> not everyone would know about Monero and it might be good to frame their thoughts on a proposal (just my two cents though)
[2022-04-16 19:51:24] <sgp_> midipoet: I will do this as a fallback if the more applicable MAGIC Monero Fund talk isn't possible for whatever reason
[2022-04-16 19:51:54] <midipoet> sgp_: ok - sounds good
[2022-04-16 19:52:35] <ajs_[m]> and replace the microphone icon, with the monero logo 
[2022-04-16 19:53:14] <ajs_[m]> we can go over drafts after the meeting
[2022-04-16 19:53:18] <midipoet> ok. in the interest of time let's move on - please let's try and get voting on received proposals, and also nudge people to propose talks/workshops. if we don't have more by next Sunday, we will have to think of plan B
[2022-04-16 19:53:20] <ajs_[m]> let's move on
[2022-04-16 19:53:27] <midipoet> 5. Update on sponsor interest (all)
[2022-04-16 19:54:04] <ajs_[m]> i've reached out to sgp/cake wallet and they are interested
[2022-04-16 19:54:15] <msvb-lab> Does bridgerton[m] have an opinion or information on how (s)he thinks the sponsorship program should be (modified?)
[2022-04-16 19:54:53] <msvb-lab> There are a lot of links to the current set of ideas.
[2022-04-16 19:54:54] <msvb-lab>
[2022-04-16 19:55:02] <msvb-lab>
[2022-04-16 19:55:11] <msvb-lab>
[2022-04-16 19:55:25] <binaryFate> I know is interested probably in highest tier as well
[2022-04-16 19:56:11] <midipoet> we do need to start moving on sponsors, as we need to seriously think about swag/banners/printing aspects (which may need additional logos)
[2022-04-16 19:56:26] <ajs_[m]> here is the latest draft of ideas of what could be offered to sponsors
[2022-04-16 19:57:21] <ajs_[m]> I also added placeholders to website to see how sponsor logos would appear
[2022-04-16 19:57:38] <sgp_> one comment from Cake is idk what we would use 3 workshop tables for. I can only think about using 1 max
[2022-04-16 19:57:59] <ajs_[m]>
[2022-04-16 19:58:48] <binaryFate> I don't think we can expect super specific feedback from potential sponsors over the details of the "benefits", and just proceed to make packages for tiers that we think are reasonable
[2022-04-16 20:00:16] ⇐ mfoolb quit (~mfoolb@user/mfoolb): Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[2022-04-16 20:00:27] — gnuteardrops[m] uploaded an image: (232KiB) < >
[2022-04-16 20:00:56] <midipoet> there is always the other option of just opening the second CCS and asking potential sponsors to support that, as they see fit. we could acknowledge all contributors to that CCS at the conference.  if they need acknowledgement tiers, they could provide transaction info, and we could rank them (this is just my idea though). 
[2022-04-16 20:01:03] <msvb-lab> But the benefits limitation expressed by sgp_ (to limit table space) is very useful because we may have overestimated our area resources.
[2022-04-16 20:01:21] <midipoet> gnuteardrops[m]: i think that looks quite good
[2022-04-16 20:01:28] <msvb-lab> Here is the floorplan, to see how many tables would fit.
[2022-04-16 20:01:45] — msvb-mtx[m] uploaded an image: (387KiB) < >
[2022-04-16 20:01:58] <sgp_> midipoet: seems like extra steps for no reason imo
[2022-04-16 20:02:28] <midipoet> sgp_: well, determining all the tier talk also was a step
[2022-04-16 20:02:41] <midipoet> but i do understand what you mean
[2022-04-16 20:04:12] <ajs_[m]> midipoet:  that would be a time consuming process and we only have about 2 months left
[2022-04-16 20:04:24] <binaryFate> gnuteardrops[m]: nice, tweeted
[2022-04-16 20:04:38] <ajs_[m]> we need to think about the printing lead time as well
[2022-04-16 20:06:27] <midipoet> yes. i think we sort of thought 3 weeks. so last week of May (approx) - but we need to do all designs still. 
[2022-04-16 20:06:36] <midipoet> so we do need to get the ball rolling
[2022-04-16 20:07:08] <midipoet> what do cakewallet and rino need from us? does there need to be a contract for this sort of shenanigans?
[2022-04-16 20:09:44] <binaryFate> no contract but a somewhat clear definition of sponsors' benefits
[2022-04-16 20:10:02] <binaryFate> then an invoice usually required for sponsors' internal accounting
[2022-04-16 20:10:49] <sgp_> yeah we would want an invoice with a list of benefits
[2022-04-16 20:11:09] <sgp_> you can contact me directly for that sort of thing
[2022-04-16 20:11:19] <sgp_>
[2022-04-16 20:11:19] <msvb-lab> sgp_: Would you please look at and if you have an opinion of which of the four (we may reduce to three) categories would suit Cake, and what is a typical monetary expectancy for that category?
[2022-04-16 20:11:46] <binaryFate> It was agreed to zap the "Media sponsor" tier
[2022-04-16 20:12:03] <msvb-lab> If we get consensus between even our first two favourites Cake and Rhino, then maybe we mould the whole program to suit these.
[2022-04-16 20:12:11] <sgp_> We are looking at the Cypherpunk tier mostly
[2022-04-16 20:12:11] <binaryFate> I'm still worried that if DR receives all sponsors money, it will end up making a profit, that is keep some money that in fact should belong to the community
[2022-04-16 20:12:50] <midipoet> binaryFate: we have to provide money for travel and accomodation for speakers and volunteers
[2022-04-16 20:12:55] <ajs_[m]>
[2022-04-16 20:13:09] <sgp_> binaryFate: can you just donate the profit to the MAGIC Monero Fund
[2022-04-16 20:13:21] <midipoet> this will more than likely run somewhere about 25k
[2022-04-16 20:13:22] <binaryFate> yes but if there is great sponsors interest I'm not sure we can spend 100% of the funds received
[2022-04-16 20:13:57] <midipoet> can we not just then use leftover for MoneroKon 2023 fund?
[2022-04-16 20:14:02] <binaryFate> sgp_ probably, not sure how the community would feel about that
[2022-04-16 20:14:38] <sgp_> well, there should be a plan for profit in any case, eg if we sell 10,000 tickets (unlikely)
[2022-04-16 20:15:14] <sgp_> anyway, bf's choice ultimately
[2022-04-16 20:15:28] <sgp_> Cake doesn't care who we pay an invoice to really so long as we get the perks
[2022-04-16 20:15:31] <binaryFate> Maybe we can get some sponsors to pay in XMR to a "monerokon" community wallet
[2022-04-16 20:16:24] <midipoet> ok - we are over time already. ajs_[m] and binaryFate can you contact potential sponsors and proceed as required?
[2022-04-16 20:16:36] <binaryFate> we need final pricing
[2022-04-16 20:16:44] <midipoet> i vote double prices
[2022-04-16 20:16:44] <ajs_[m]> yes
[2022-04-16 20:16:51] <binaryFate> 10k, 5k, 2k?
[2022-04-16 20:17:04] <ajs_[m]> we need to agree on pricing and number for each tier
[2022-04-16 20:17:14] <ajs_[m]> sounds good
[2022-04-16 20:17:29] <midipoet> yes, sounds good (though if pushed i would vote double them)
[2022-04-16 20:17:33] <binaryFate> number: 2, 5, <any we can fit with floor area>
[2022-04-16 20:17:51] <midipoet> we can't fit that many.
[2022-04-16 20:18:05] <binaryFate> maybe 4 only for second category then
[2022-04-16 20:18:10] <midipoet> i would say 5-8 in total max
[2022-04-16 20:18:16] <msvb-lab> We need about 55 weeks production time if we will have electronic badges at Konferenco 2023 remember, which may consume unused budget.
[2022-04-16 20:18:18] <ajs_[m]> 2, 4, 8
[2022-04-16 20:18:45] <binaryFate> sounds good
[2022-04-16 20:18:52] <midipoet> ok. 
[2022-04-16 20:19:01] <binaryFate> as hinted by sgp_, it's possible sponsors don't need that much physical space
[2022-04-16 20:19:27] <midipoet> the next four items we have sort of discussed: 
[2022-04-16 20:19:39] <midipoet> 6. Inside banners and swag items (G+H), 7. Food-truck (all), 8. Night-time programming (all), 9. Venue mural [inside] (all)
[2022-04-16 20:20:01] <ajs_[m]> CfP deadline?
[2022-04-16 20:20:03] <midipoet> we are working on pricing for swag, and will try and get more info on 7, 8, 9
[2022-04-16 20:20:31] <midipoet> ajs_[m]: 1st of May?
[2022-04-16 20:20:48] → mfoolb joined (~mfoolb@user/mfoolb)
[2022-04-16 20:21:07] <ajs_[m]> little over 2 weeks?
[2022-04-16 20:21:24] <midipoet> mid May then?
[2022-04-16 20:22:08] <ajs_[m]> 16 May?
[2022-04-16 20:22:26] <midipoet> ok
[2022-04-16 20:22:28] <msvb-lab> We could print 1 May deadline on all official communications and consider it a soft number, just keep considering entries if any come in afterwards. That would help those who ajs_[m] referred to, the ones needing a clear confirmation before planning their travel?
[2022-04-16 20:23:00] <msvb-lab> Because many will wait until the day of the deadline and then rush to submit their proposals.
[2022-04-16 20:23:08] <midipoet> agree
[2022-04-16 20:23:25] <msvb-lab> On that day we just erase the deadline part, have profited from a rush entry and can still get more proposals from the soft logic.
[2022-04-16 20:23:30] <ajs_[m]> that would work, but we really need to push for more proposals
[2022-04-16 20:23:41] <msvb-lab> Kind of a sneaky back door arrangement, but maybe it'sworth trying.
[2022-04-16 20:23:55] <midipoet> yeah, we really do. i have hopes for a few more to trickle in after some nudging. 
[2022-04-16 20:24:02] — binaryFate has to go afk sorry
[2022-04-16 20:24:06] <nioc> I always thought that any "profit" goes towards funding the next monerokon.  This was originally stated during the plannong for the first one in 2019 and I thought it was mentioned early on for the current one.
[2022-04-16 20:24:07] <msvb-lab> Now we have gnuteardrops[m]'s new graphic, we can use it to push. binaryFate has published it on reddit?
[2022-04-16 20:24:19] <midipoet> ok. 10. AOB?
[2022-04-16 20:24:34] <binaryFate> I just tweeted it but I can publish on reddit too
[2022-04-16 20:24:42] <midipoet> binaryFate: please do
[2022-04-16 20:24:59] <ajs_[m]> sgp_:  could we get a retweet from @monero account
[2022-04-16 20:25:45] <msvb-lab> nioc: That's a correct impression, the one we all share. We're worried about the storage of profit after the event consumes our budget, and the combative attacks which our community will certainly launch against DR if they store the profits in a bank.
[2022-04-16 20:25:50] <sgp_> ya 1 sec
[2022-04-16 20:26:06] <midipoet> msvb-lab: we should just buy monero with profits
[2022-04-16 20:26:08] <binaryFate>
[2022-04-16 20:26:23] <midipoet> ok. meeting is same day and time next week
[2022-04-16 20:26:29] <ajs_[m]> sgp_:
[2022-04-16 20:26:36] <midipoet> and sub-meeting is Wednesday at 17.30 UTC on Jitsi
[2022-04-16 20:26:36] <sgp_> done
[2022-04-16 20:26:44] <nioc> yes buy monero with profits and I'll guarantee the fiat value
[2022-04-16 20:26:46] <msvb-lab> Good idea midipoet but it doesn't solve the problem of a person or group owning the account with the profit funds.
[2022-04-16 20:27:06] <msvb-lab> ...who will be attacked.
[2022-04-16 20:27:24] <binaryFate> Also it means DR paying taxes etc
[2022-04-16 20:27:47] <midipoet> i don[t see why profits cant be recycled to MoneroKon 2023, fiat or XMR. 
[2022-04-16 20:27:54] <midipoet> binaryFate: ah ok
[2022-04-16 20:28:26] <binaryFate> I'll think about it in more details with deedledea[m] 
[2022-04-16 20:28:34] <binaryFate> have to go afk now sorry
[2022-04-16 20:28:38] <midipoet> ok. - lets adjourn the meeting there, please continue chatting if you like. sorry for running over. 
[2022-04-16 20:28:39] <msvb-lab> A problematic can of worms. We can immediately spend about half the projected 50K for an electronic badge at Konferenco 2023 in June if needed, but this option has not been agreed or fully considered.
[2022-04-16 20:28:46] <midipoet> have a nice weekend everyone!
[2022-04-16 20:29:06] <msvb-lab> Good meeting and great moderation midipoet, thanks everyone.