monero-project / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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Linux doesn't show Monero icon on Show Applications #1312

Closed cialu closed 6 years ago

cialu commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have downloaded source of monero-wallet-gui (v0.12.0.0 - Lithium Luna) from here and installed it on Linux Ubuntu 18.04 system with communitheme(the next Ubuntu theme in development). I compiled the code and moved the executable to /opt folder, then I made a monero-gui.desktop file in /home/user/.local/share/applications/.

This is the monero-gui.desktop file:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Monero GUI wallet
Comment=Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency

Everything went fine and all is working. The node connect itself to the network and the GUI wallet works like a charm. Just, one minor graphical issue.

The monero-wallet-gui application shows the correct icon on the dock when it's opened, but in 'Show Application' there's no Monero icon. I know that I specified Icon=monero and the default theme doesn't provide a Monero icon, so I also look into Monero folder to make a link to the right icon, but I found no icon file.

Here the monero-wallet-gui icon on the dock: monero-dock

Here the wrong icon on 'Show Applications': screenshot from 2018-04-13 08-34-04

Is there a way to provide a Monero icon to link to?

Also I'm wondering, should I open an issue upstream to insert Monero (and crypto in general) icon in the default Ubuntu theme? I also opened this How about to insert Monero and Crypto icons in the theme? on the next Ubuntu icons theme repository.

pazos commented 6 years ago

duplicate of #1165.

You'll need to copy the icon you want to /usr/share/pixmaps/monero.png

The monero icon on the taskbar is qt stuff. Linux binaries (elf files) don't have an icon embedded, so instead we follow the freedesktop way of doing things :)

cialu commented 6 years ago

@pazos thanks. I have already placed an icon in the theme folder and it worked as your proposed solution. I also opened an issue upstream to insert the Monero icon directly in the standard Ubuntu icons theme.

The #1165 is a different issue, it's regarding the Ubuntu Software application, instead I was talking about the 'Show Application' function in the GNOME desktop environment.

pazos commented 6 years ago

@cialu: I'm glad it worked.

This issue is indeed related to #1165. This isn't about linux distros, because every linux distro out there is based on freedesktop and its desktop entry specification.

So please close this issue, thanks :)

cialu commented 6 years ago

Ok, sure.