monero-project / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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All languages need to be updated for 0.13 - Call for translators #1582

Closed erciccione closed 6 years ago

erciccione commented 6 years ago

Another hard fork is approaching, and with it, a mayor release: 0.13 Since 0.12.3, the GUI changed a bit. Some strings were added and some were removed. #1572 refreshed all language files, so now they can all be updated with the missing translations, before 0.13 is out.

This is a call for translators, down here can be found the list of the available languages. If the language is thicked, somebody worked on it and the translation is already PRd.

If you wish to contribute, please make sure your language is still labelled as 'needed' on the Issue tracker of the Localization Workgroup on Taiga. The task related to this issue is "Update strings (0.13)". If the task is

If you start to work on a language, please write here or let me know using one of the communication channel listed below, so that i can update the issue tracker and avoid double works.

How to translate?

Before starting the translation, we ask you to follow these few guidelines:

A step-by-step guide on how to translate the GUI wallet is available here (the guide is about how to add a new language, but the instructions are also valid for updating one), but, basically, what a translator need to do is:

  1. Look for the correct language file in monero-gui/translations
  2. Find the strings labelled <translation type="unfinished">
  3. Add the correct translation of the <source> string between the <translation> label (removing the type="unfinished"tag)
  4. when done, commit and open a Pull Request with your changes. *Please refer to this issue (#1582) when the PR is opened.


If you need help/informations, or have dubts about the workflow, post on this thread or contact me on these channels:

Ping them all!

Pinging contributors who helped with translations in past and members of the Monero Localization Workgroup:

@3b7ameed @edwardlow @ruzaq @cryptobench @falcongoat @Rafficer @lovvskillz @Keksoj @i3visio @lh1008 @cryptochangements34 @glv2 @assylias @milargos @jonahar @TasmaniaKrama @hrumag @kenshi84 @takuto-h @isaacdigs @ProkhorZ @ElectricSlacks @fridzema @einsteinsfool @szogun1987 @netrik182 @rmbb @ordtrogen @mandrill-pie @fero-sk @jernejml @xmronadaily @alexej996 @snaggen @rtonline @zhizhongzhiwai @Lafudoci @el00ruobuob @Leza89 @turossztrapacska @rpinola @monerorus @kasperaitis @Fajl @TheFuzzStone @IST34 @kerastinell @MalMen

erciccione commented 5 years ago

Sorry to use this issue, but we are starting to translate the GUI 0.14.0. All translations process has been moved to Pootle:, please submit your translatins directly there.

Also, remember to use the Monero Terminology Guide if available for your language:

For any question: #monero-translations or

erciccione commented 5 years ago

Hijacking this issue again because we need translators to work on the next release of the GUI (0.14.1 i guess). Please check out the announcement on reddit

Translations can be submitted directly on Pootle:

If you have questions or comments, please use the related issue in the monero-translations repository: monero-ecosystem/monero-translations#53