monero-project / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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[Discussion] Simple mode (for remote node users) #1846

Closed dEBRUYNE-1 closed 5 years ago

dEBRUYNE-1 commented 5 years ago

The community has long stipulated that, in its current form, the GUI is not properly tailored to the less tech-savvy. I personally have acknowledged this particular issue and am therefore proposing to add a simple mode, which would be significantly better curtailed for the less tech-savvy. The goal of this ticket is to describe the layout of the proposed simple mode and to provide an opportunity for the community to post feedback. In a nutshell, the goal for simple mode is to let the GUI automatically connect to a remote node and remove all, arguably, advanced features.

Let's start in the wizard. First, I'd suggest to add the mode selection after the language selection. This ensures a user can easily switch modes. Furthermore, this allows us to remove (disable) features from (in) the wizard (whilst in simple mode) such as the ability to select testnet/stagenet and the number of KDF rounds.

I thus suggest to remove / disable the following in the wizard (whilst in simple mode).

On this page:

Additionally, fully remove this page and ensure the GUI automatically connects to a remote node. Users interested in using a custom remote node (e.g. their own remote node) will be 'delegated' to "Advanced mode", which would basically be similar to the current version of the GUI.

After the wizard, I'd suggest to I'd suggest to remove / disable the following:

  1. On the Send page:
  1. On the `Receive page:
  1. Fully remove the Advanced page.

  2. On the Settings page - Wallet tab:

  1. Fully remove the Settings page - Node tab. To reiterate, users interested in using a custom remote node (e.g. their own remote node) will be 'delegated' to "Advanced mode", which would basically be similar to the current version of the GUI.

  2. Fully remove the Settings page - Log tab.

  3. To clarify, I'd like to fully keep the History page, Addressbook (sub)page,, Seed & keys (sub)page, Settings page - Layout tab, and Settings page - Info tab.

A few final notes:

sanderfoobar commented 5 years ago

@Gingeropolous We already have such a warning, but upon looking it up, I think it is currently broken.

Ill fix it...

dEBRUYNE-1 commented 5 years ago

This has been implemented in the most recent version of the GUI (v0.14.0.0). I am therefore going to mark it as resolved.

dEBRUYNE-1 commented 5 years ago
