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Funds transfer not successful, Daemon fully synched #2938

Closed Ommy77 closed 4 years ago

Ommy77 commented 4 years ago

On 2020/05/04 10:52am CEST I sent 2.19990000 XMR from my Bittrex acc to my Nano S. The money has still not showing in my Gui wallet despite the wallet and Daemon being fully synched. Bittrex is no longer showing the XMR in my acc and says that the withdrawl was successful. Ive tried resynching the wallet a number of times now and I am still not seeing my funds.

Can someone help?


selsta commented 4 years ago

What wallet mode are you using? You can check in Settings -> Info.

Ommy77 commented 4 years ago
Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 13 42 28
selsta commented 4 years ago

You are using extremely outdated software. Update to v0.16 and try again. You will also have to update your Ledger firmware and monero app.

Ommy77 commented 4 years ago

Ok , once I update, should I be able to see the funds?

selsta commented 4 years ago


Ommy77 commented 4 years ago

K, cheers. I'll give that a go.

selsta commented 4 years ago

It might take a while to sync up when you update.

Ommy77 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I downloaded the latest version, and after signing in, I had this circling for 2 hours with no change. Does this sound right to you? I eventually had to stop it, should I have waited longer? Thx

Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 14 35 30
selsta commented 4 years ago

Did you export the view key on your Ledger?

Ommy77 commented 4 years ago


selsta commented 4 years ago

Which monero ledger app version do you have? Also can you try again and make sure to look on the Ledger in case it requires input?

Ommy77 commented 4 years ago

ok, Ill try again. Im about an hour away from home so I will update later. Thx.

Ommy77 commented 4 years ago

Hello, Me again. I think I'm doing something wrong at this point. I updated the firmware on my ledger and I spent the last two days syching everything in the Monero wallet and I still see a zero balance in my Monero wallet. The Monero wallet app I have is 1.6.0. Is there something else I can try? Thanks in advance :)

Ommy77 commented 4 years ago


Me again again :)

Just logged out of the wallet and back in and my funds are now showing.

Really appreciate your help. Thanks a million :)

selsta commented 4 years ago

@Ommy77 Good to hear. If you are having a problem in the future you can open a new issue or ask on Reddit / Stackexchange.