monero-project / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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Possible conflict between "Inno Setup: BlockchainDir" setting and main.qml: MoneroSettings { property string blockchainDataDir: "" } #3257

Open mattmill30 opened 3 years ago

mattmill30 commented 3 years ago

When I originally installed Monero GUI Wallet v0.14.1.0, I specified the BlockchainDir in the Inno Setup as "C:\ProgramData\Cryptocurrencies\Monero", rather than the default "C:\ProgramData\bitmonero", but after upgrading to Monero v0.17.1.5 and following a power failure - #3256 - the [HKCU\SOFTWARE\monero-project\monero-core] registries were re-initialised to the same configuration as MoneroSettings, including blockchainDataDir and wallet_path.

The Monero GUI Wallet should not have the ability to automatically and silently reinitialise the blockchainDataDir registry or any other monerod configurations (daemon{Flags,Password,Username}), especially if settings were configured by the installer and are present under [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Monero GUI Wallet_is1]. Monero GUI Wallet should configure monerod via an API - monero-project/monero#7083

Such re-configuration of monerod poses a serious security threat on Multi-user workstations - monero-project/monero#7079.

I noticed that a change to the PersistantSettings for languages was implemented between, which if re-initialisation of MoneroSettings were triggered, I assume would cause all of the existing PersistentSettings to reset, including account_name, blockchainDataDir and wallet_path

Comparison of MoneroSettings and current 'Monero GUI Wallet_is1' and 'monero-core' registries: MoneroSettings:

        property string language: 'English (US)'
        property string language_wallet: 'English'
        property string locale: 'en_US'
        property string account_name
        property string wallet_path
        property bool   allow_background_mining : false
        property bool   miningIgnoreBattery : true
        property var    nettype: NetworkType.MAINNET
        property int    restore_height : 0
        property bool   is_trusted_daemon : false
        property bool   is_recovering : false
        property bool   is_recovering_from_device : false
        property bool   customDecorations : true
        property string daemonFlags
        property int logLevel: 0
        property string logCategories: ""
        property string daemonUsername: ""
        property string daemonPassword: ""
        property bool transferShowAdvanced: false
        property bool receiveShowAdvanced: false
        property bool historyShowAdvanced: false
        property bool historyHumanDates: true
        property string blockchainDataDir: ""
        property bool useRemoteNode: false
        property string remoteNodeAddress: ""
        property string bootstrapNodeAddress: ""
        property bool segregatePreForkOutputs: true
        property bool keyReuseMitigation2: true
        property int segregationHeight: 0
        property int kdfRounds: 1
        property bool hideBalance: false
        property bool askPasswordBeforeSending: true
        property bool lockOnUserInActivity: true
        property int walletMode: 2
        property int lockOnUserInActivityInterval: 10  // minutes
        property bool blackTheme: true
        property bool checkForUpdates: true
        property bool autosave: true
        property int autosaveMinutes: 10

        property bool fiatPriceEnabled: false
        property bool fiatPriceToggle: false
        property string fiatPriceProvider: "kraken"
        property string fiatPriceCurrency: "xmrusd"

        property string proxyAddress: ""
        property bool proxyEnabled: isTails

Monero GUI Wallet_is1 registry:

[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Monero GUI Wallet_is1]:
"Inno Setup CodeFile: BlockChainDir"="C:\ProgramData\Cryptocurrencies\Monero"
"Inno Setup: User"="Administrator"
"InstallLocation"="C:\Program Files\Cryptocurrencies\Client\Monero\"

monero-core registry:

"language"="English (US)"

xiphon commented 3 years ago

I noticed that a change to the PersistantSettings for languages was implemented between v0.17.1.3...v0.17.1.5, which if re-initialisation of MoneroSettings were triggered, I assume would cause all of the existing PersistentSettings to reset, including account_name, blockchainDataDir and wallet_path

It shouldn't. If it does, please provide steps to reproduce.

mattmill30 commented 3 years ago

I can't necessarily provide steps to reproduce. However, the issue has reoccurred following the update from

"language"="English (US)"


I've noticed that changes to the QML cache (which I understand relates to registry settings) were made to both versions: v1.17.1.5 - portable: use portable storage folder to store QML disk cache - v1.17.1.7 - main: disable QML cache -

Further to the logs for my previous upgrade issue reported in the logs for the upgrade period are: C:\ProgramData\Cryptocurrencies\Monero\bitmonero.log C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\monero-wallet-gui\monero-wallet-gui.log