monero-project / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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[solved] Segmentation fault with monero-wallet-gui #3335

Closed HoverHalver closed 3 years ago

HoverHalver commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have downloaded and gpg verified Monero GUI wallet v0.17.1.9 linux 64 bits on a Debian Buster Gnome 3.30.2 machine. ./monerod is working fine. But./monero-wallet-gui provokes immediately a "segmentation fault" message. And there is nothing in the log files (even in /var/log). I suspect this may have to do with the screen used (the DPI ?). Even ./monero-wallet-gui --help provokes immediately a "segmentation fault" message. Could somebody please give me some hint or directions on what I could do to fix this ? Thanks

edit : I tried gdb ./monero-wallet-gui and the answer is : not in executable format: file truncated ... it appears that there must have been an issue when copying the file on its place. It got indeed completely truncated.

Getting the right file, it works. Apologies for the annoyance.

selsta commented 3 years ago

Seems resolved.