monero-project / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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When Monero package from Debian bullseye/testing repo is installed the Monero gui is not working #3372

Open DeeDeeRanged opened 3 years ago

DeeDeeRanged commented 3 years ago

Installed the official monero package from Debian bullseye/testing, unable to install the Monero gui from whonix due to dependencies. The tarball monero-gui also only works when the official debian package is uninstalled.

I take it there is some cooperation going-on between devs and the Debian Cryptocoin Team .

Would be nice to see monero-gui officially supported by Debian :)

ch9PcB commented 3 years ago

Installed the official monero package from Debian bullseye/testing,

I am unable to locate the package in Debian 11. Can you provide me the direct link please?

DeeDeeRanged commented 3 years ago

Hi, The link is here Do note it is the monero-cli and monerod.

Succes ;)

adrelanos commented 2 years ago

The package has been created by me (but of course I didn't create monero or monero-gui, only the package which is a tiny source code size by comparison).

I wasn't previously aware of this ticket. Hence late answer. If things are reported to or if I am @adrelanos mentioned then I'll reply much quicker.

As for the issue.

dpkg: error processing archive /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-iaStKd/10-monero_0.17.2.0+~ 0+20200826-1_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/monero-blockchain-ancestry', which is also in pac kage monero-gui doesn't need to be co-installed with contains both, CLI and GUI.

Use either:

There should be no need to install both at the same time.

Installed the official monero package from Debian bullseye/testing, unable to install the Monero gui from whonix due to dependencies. The tarball monero-gui also only works when the official debian package is uninstalled.

I take it there is some cooperation going-on between devs and the Debian Cryptocoin Team . won't ever be in has no contact with Debian Cryptocoin Team. Reasons: See the history...

The tarball monero-gui also only works when the official debian package is uninstalled.

For that I recommend a separate issue and not mixing it into this issue. I also recommend posting the full links to what package you're talking about to avoid confusion.