monero-project / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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Monero GUI (Android) UI Bugs #3493

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

I was pleasantly surprised at how well the GUI wallet works on an Android phone, and I would say it's 95% of the way to being really quite usable for an intermediate Monero user (at least when the phone is in landscape mode).

UI Bugs that were spotted:

Bug 1: Everything in the 'Advanced' section is too wide for the screen and doesn't wrap correctly including the section buttons at the top (Mining, Prove/Check' etc). It should look and behave more like the 'Settings' section. image

What it should look like: image

Bug 2: Hostname/Port input fields have cutoff text, maybe could be more responsive or stack? image

Bug 3: Sidebar scrolling. The only 'scrollable' spot in the sidebar on a small screen is the tiny little sliver where the 'Accounts' text is in the photo below- the node area and account info really take up a ton of space and it would be cool to see these shrink to a 'minified' version on smaller screens that allows more visibility and scrollability of sidebar items.

Bug 4: If at all possible, it would be great to see 'custom decorations' unchecked by default for the Android build. It takes up a lot of screen area and is just an awkward experience as no other Android apps have desktop-style close buttons/title bars.

Bug 5: There is a white pixelish-wide border that sporadically happens on different sides of the app- usually on the right and bottom sides. Full length.

Bug 6: Text Centering/Wrapping Bug in Portrait Mode image

Bug 7: Portrait mode. I'm adding this as a bug, but it's probably more of a feature request. The Monero GUI is basically impossible to use in portrait mode on an Android phone because the sidebar doesn't collapse or have a minified mode. Adding a responsive sidebar (or just a total rethink) that can collapse and look something like MyMonero would be beneficial for the desktop wallet and it would definitely help make portrait mode 'more possible' on Android. image

rating89us commented 3 years ago

I'm starting to work on this. Please check PR #3500