monero-project / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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Feature request/discussion: historical price data #3554

Open rating89us opened 3 years ago

rating89us commented 3 years ago

Transactions page should display fiat conversion of past transactions using historical price data. To avoid compromising user privacy, we should not retrieve prices using an external API.

Therefore, I see two possible implementations:

Option A: save current XMR price on wallet cache every time a transaction is sent/received

Option B: import historical price data from an external source (like this .csv file from Kraken)

selsta commented 3 years ago

@tobtoht suggested me this API:

This includes the price for every single day. We can approximate the price between two days depending on the time.

Also no more privacy issues than the normal API.

smargold476 commented 1 year ago

I would really like to see that feature as by german law for example we need to know the € values for the time of each transaction. It would be really useful for wider adoption of monero i guess. I only see Option B as a real solution as we can avoid of a direct connection exposing the users activity. Maybe have an import-function to see the historical transactions on calculation based on imported csv-data like that file from kraken, i don't see the need to aggregate that, as the users just download and import it if necessary.

kevcrumb commented 1 month ago

Price should not be a concern for official Monero releases.

The wallet already has export_transfers, so whoever is interested can go the other way around, get a CSV of transactions and then use whichever price data they want and make the necessary decisions like "average vs other" themselves.