monero-project / monero-gui

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[Feature] Implement 14-Word Feather-style Wallet Seed with Embedded Restore Height #3721

Open CryptoGrampy opened 2 years ago

CryptoGrampy commented 2 years ago

There was a discussion today in the Monero Research Lab about seed phrases that can replace the need for users having to remember block restore heights/dates, and it turns out Feather Wallet already gives users this option by default- a 14 word backup seed- when creating a new wallet (you can also restore a 14 or 25 word wallet in feather).

Restore heights/dates are confusing to most people and can cause a lot of frustration when one restores a wallet and the funds don't show up. Defaulting the Monero GUI wallet to a 14-word seed as implemented in Feather (while also allowing 25 word restoring) would be awesome, create a better user experience, alleviate frustration/issue tickets/chat questions and allow for simplification of the UI.

Adding this feature into the Monero GUI- even as non-default for now- will especially make it easier for other wallet creators to feel confident in adding this feature.

There are wallets that are coming down the pipeline as well- browser extensions, Molly.IM, etc. and it would be great to have Monero Core/GUI support of this feature ASAP.

rbrunner7 commented 2 years ago

Just some info for people who may pass by here: @tevador reworked and improved their new seeds somewhat. The system is now called Polyseed and can be found here: