monero-project / monero-gui

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Grey out empty wallets #4193

Closed skyerjoe closed 1 year ago

skyerjoe commented 1 year ago

Gui-Version: Is there any option to grey out empty wallets when u switch to the menue to open a walllet ?

best regards

selsta commented 1 year ago

This is not possible at the moment and likely not a feature we will implement.

skyerjoe commented 1 year ago

@selsta Could i delete the wallet on my own in the folder structure ? i have a win portable version.

Cause i have a bunch or wallets there all empty and it confuses me.

best regards

selsta commented 1 year ago

Yes, you can open a wallet and if it is empty you can delete the folder. Make sure that you don't delete anything you might need later.

skyerjoe commented 1 year ago

I made an copy folder inside the folder location

Now the Wallets in the open history are gone

thnx for help