monero-project / monero-gui

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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Build arm64 binaries for Windows #4197

Open AArnott opened 1 year ago

AArnott commented 1 year ago

Please build arm64 installer and binaries for Windows. Windows x64 binaries require emulation on arm64 hardware and burn laptop batteries more than necessary.

selsta commented 1 year ago

We are currently focused on adding macOS ARM binaries, but the end goal is to support all 3 operating systems (macOS, Linux, Windows) natively on ARM.

karelbilek commented 1 year ago

Is there a ticket/issue tracking the progress of macos ARM binaries?

edit: ah it's hidden here

Mike-Bou commented 11 months ago

We are currently focused on adding macOS ARM binaries, but the end goal is to support all 3 operating systems (macOS, Linux, Windows) natively on ARM.

Good. I have been building MacOS ARM variants, since 18.1.1 Now i cannot build 18.3.1 due to problems with Qt 5.15.2 from Qt or qt@5 5.15.10_1 from homebrew.

For 18.2.2 I was able to make deploy and codesign, but not Notarize.

There seemed to be some problems, not having full Frameworks and Resouces, but did work ok

has details of failed build. index.html has screenshots of it working.

Now running monerod on a linux server (before on x86 Mac with big SSD's) Using Mac ARM GUI to view wallet, and or a VM Linux with ssh -X window from the server.

selsta commented 11 months ago

@Mike-Bou please follow #4228 for your build issue