[ ] Other payment gateaway (Coinpayments, Morphtoken, etc. Please specify)
How would you categorize your business? (choose only one option)
[ ] Exchange
[ ] Block Explorer
[ ] Payment Gateway
[X]] Web Hosting
[ ] Tool
[ ] Service
[ ] Goods
[ ] Entertainment
Started a couple of years ago when we got clients asking about Monero.
After carefully reviewing and considering the whole picture of Monero
we feel this is one of the best alternatives to traditional payment methods
and its anonymity and security increasing features are a huge plus.
What's the name of your business?
What's the URL of the website?
Write a brief description of your business/service (max 50 characters)
Anonymous offshore services since 2005
Enter the URL where a Monero mention can be found
And on each page footer XMR payment symbol
How do you accept Monero? (choose only one option)
How would you categorize your business? (choose only one option)
Started a couple of years ago when we got clients asking about Monero. After carefully reviewing and considering the whole picture of Monero we feel this is one of the best alternatives to traditional payment methods and its anonymity and security increasing features are a huge plus.