[x] Other payment gateaway (Coinpayments, Morphtoken, etc. Please specify)
How would you categorize your business? (choose only one option)
[x] Exchange
[ ] Block Explorer
[ ] Payment Gateway
[ ] Web Hosting
[ ] Tool
[ ] Service
[ ] Goods
[ ] Entertainment
We represent an aggregator of exchange services.
With the help of our aggregator, holders of Monera cryptocurrency can exchange it for other cryptocurrencies at the most favorable conditions.
All our partners undergo a frequent security check, we cooperate only with the themes of services that provide their services to customers for at least 1 year, and have no negative feedback.
What's the name of your business?
What's the URL of the website?
Write a brief description of your business/service (max 50 characters)
Instant exchange aggregator
Enter the URL where a Monero mention can be found
https://bitpro.cash/en/ETH-to-XMR https://bitpro.cash/en/XMR-to-USDTERC
How do you accept Monero? (choose only one option)
How would you categorize your business? (choose only one option)
Hello We represent an aggregator of exchange services.
With the help of our aggregator, holders of Monera cryptocurrency can exchange it for other cryptocurrencies at the most favorable conditions.
All our partners undergo a frequent security check, we cooperate only with the themes of services that provide their services to customers for at least 1 year, and have no negative feedback.