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Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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Name the 3rd quarter 2017 release #2265

Closed fluffypony closed 6 years ago

fluffypony commented 6 years ago

The next element in the list is Helium (we stepped out the list for Wolfram Warptangent, which was an honorary release), and we have the following options:

Helium Hanny Helium Hardcastle Helium Hercules Helium Hoag Helium Holmberg Helium Horologium Helium Horseshoe Helium Hucra Helium Hydra

Input required, hopefully we'll get some clear consensus on the name in the next week or so:)

bullno1 commented 6 years ago

No Hail Hydra?

DaveyJonesXMR commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra - if you take away one output , few more shall rise :p

rusticbison commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra has a nice ring to it.

BitOfWisdon commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

pajasevi commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

MaxXor commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra 👍

ghost commented 6 years ago

All hail Helium Hydra

werdnalien commented 6 years ago

Helium Holly

DonChals commented 6 years ago

Helium Horologium

Hohhle commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra These words flow off the tongue.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra.

serhack commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

Makkari-V commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra!!!

LordMajestros commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

Makkari-V commented 6 years ago


On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 5:13 PM, Dumbi Olise wrote:

Helium Hydra

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kinghat commented 6 years ago

Helium Hootenanny

mariodian commented 6 years ago

How about Helium Humongous? LOL

I like Helium Hydra too.

janowitz commented 6 years ago

How about Helium Hoax? :)

However if it doesn't find consensus, I'm also for Helium Hydra...

antanst commented 6 years ago

Oh, bikeshedding!

Helium Hydra of course.

renecannao commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

medusadigital commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

afighttilldeath commented 6 years ago

Helium Helix (not listed but like the name)

anonimal commented 6 years ago

Helium Hacker

denk0815 commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra.

jtgrassie commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

janrothen commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

astraleureka-zz commented 6 years ago

all heil Helium Hydra~

ghost commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

binaryFate commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra, because all others don't flow well

KeeJef commented 6 years ago

Helium Hardcastle. Because it Sounds very strong and proper

M5M400 commented 6 years ago

Hail....erm... Helium Hydra

vdo commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

:dragon_face: :dragon_face: :dragon_face:

sunday-afternoon commented 6 years ago

Helium Horseshoe

Gingeropolous commented 6 years ago

"Helium Hydra". As others have mentioned, the hydra component does convey the anti-fragile / decentralized nature of the Monero cryptocurrency. As people become more aware of Monero, maintaining this decentralization will become more and more important as centralizing forces seem to coincide with increased adoption... at least that seems to be the way things happened in bitcoin.

Basically, I feel this name will inspire continued development towards making the protocol, network and software even more robust. In this way, it points to the future of Monero.

It also points to the past - this effort has been attacked in multiple ways throughout its 3 year existence, yet it is still here. ( insert Morpheus speech in the temple clip ).

tufcos commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Helium Helix?

Failing that, Helium Hydra :)

BitOfWisdon commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydrogen?

johnalanwoods commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

peanutsformonkeys commented 6 years ago

Side-stepping from the periodic table, how about the "Unknown Amount" release?

luijoy commented 6 years ago

Helium Hardcastle, but looks like Helium Hydra has it by this point.

endorxmr commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra!

cryptochangements34 commented 6 years ago

There seems to be a pretty clear consensus that Helium Hydra is the only way to go

qral commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

panopolis commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra

Although I also suggest Helium Homunculus

fluffypony commented 6 years ago

Helium Hydra it is:)