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blockchain.raw over Tails #2677

Closed dranogy closed 3 years ago

dranogy commented 6 years ago

I still cant solve the issue with sync as mentioned in this thread: and so I am searching for alternative ways to get the blockchain to be capable to run a full node myself. I will try to download the blockchain.raw from

How do I use the blockchain.raw, after I download it, within Tails over the Tor with cli commands mentioned in the previous thread? I use an external USB for monerod. The explanation here didn't put any light on it. I am a noob, be forgiving if possible, please.

Thank you for any help here.

radfish commented 6 years ago

On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 02:40:21AM -0700, dranogy wrote:

How do I use the blockchain.raw, after I download it, within Tails over the Tor with cli commands mentioned in the previous thread?

Best to build newest monero from master because there have been fixes to sync. Then, pptionally, wipe your monero dir. Then

/path/to/monero-blockchain-import --input-file /path/to/blockchain.raw --data-dir /path/to/your/monero/dir

PS. I wouldn't download blockchain.raw over Tor, it's >30GB. Download it on another machine/network if you're really concerned about privacy. Or, just download it outside of Tails on your normal internet connection.

selsta commented 3 years ago

Question has been answered.