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Data allowance for throttling #4601

Open Gingeropolous opened 5 years ago

Gingeropolous commented 5 years ago

The existing throttling feature leaves much to be desired. It throttles the rate, but you can still use 10s of GBs if you get a lot of peers etc. Some people don't run nodes because they fear hitting data caps from their ISPs, VPN, or VPS providers.

What if we can have a setting that would provide a data allowance for seeding new nodes. E.g.,

--data-cap 1G day

would put the cap at 1 gb a day

--data-cap 10G month

would put the cap at 10 GB a month.

After the daemon hits that cap, it stops offering bootstrapping / seeding service, and just relays transactions and/or blocks.


it might be too much for hacktoberfest.... it needs a database... ermagerd

stoffu commented 5 years ago

Appears to be related: #4393