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microlags using monerod, only on win10 #6216

Open ph0nky opened 4 years ago

ph0nky commented 4 years ago

I am running a full node on my work PC. I mostly run debian, but have to dual boot win10 sometimes.

While I have no problems while running debian, when I boot a pretty clean win10 on the same machine, I can't run monerod in the cli without the whole os microlagging every now and then.

My machine certainly is capable concerning the Hardware.

The microlagging is so severe, that playing music laggs sporadically and the general feel and workflow is unbearable. Unfortunately, my knowledge of windows process priorization etc is pretty limited.

Any ideas on how to fix this windows specific issue? I already tried starting monerod using --max-concurrency 2, to no avail

This is a persistent problem, I had the same issues with the 0.14.x branch (again, only on win10)

iDunk5400 commented 4 years ago

That sounds like a DPC latency issue, usually caused by a bad driver or system BIOS. Try using a tool like LatencyMon to find out which driver is causing high DPC latency.

ph0nky commented 4 years ago

That sounds like a DPC latency issue, usually caused by a bad driver or system BIOS. Try using a tool like LatencyMon to find out which driver is causing high DPC latency.

Thanks for answering, I ran LatencyMon and my DPC and ISR routines have both low values for "highest execution time".

"Highest measured interrupt to process latency" is really high though. monerod seems to produce a lot of hard pagefaults though, maybe that's the issue? There's over 10GB of free RAM, so I don't know what's the issue.

i am using the exact same HDD on the same machine in debian to run monerod and have no issues, so I don't think it's hardware related.

moneromooo-monero commented 4 years ago

The database is ~75 GB. ~25 GB even if pruned. It'll hit disk from time to time.

ph0nky commented 4 years ago

The database is ~75 GB. ~25 GB even if pruned. It'll hit disk from time to time.

the disc that holds the data is not the system disc. And I have no problems using the exact same disc running debian. It has to be something windows related.

iamamyth commented 4 years ago

As you're using a work machine, I wonder if it has anything to do with WMI. For example, there's this gem: Also, that article provides some decent background on how to debug windows performance issues.