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Faulty behaviour with monero-wallet-cli in certain terminal emulators #6713

Open Parckwart opened 4 years ago

Parckwart commented 4 years ago

When using monero-wallet-cli with certain terminal emulators such as urxvt or suckless' st, text formatting is all messed up. There's faulty whitespace all over the place, CTRL+L to clear the terminal doesn't work and you cannot delete characters using backspace either. This doesn't happen with xterm for example.



moneromooo-monero commented 4 years ago

Do other readline using programs generally work ?

Parckwart commented 4 years ago

Yes, I think so…

Things like bc and parted all work perfectly fine.

Parckwart commented 3 years ago

Found a workaround: Setting $TERM to "xterm" did the trick.