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Cannot sync up with blockchain #6748

Closed Mladia closed 3 years ago

Mladia commented 3 years ago

From quite some time I was not able to sync up using monerod. I think this is the problem, is there a way of fixing it, besides starting the whole sync from scratch.

2020-08-06 16:25:48.730 E Block recognized as orphaned and rejected, id = <b825f846efd7262f58d5c4a1f7efb72ddfa3e236c129facf4ce474204c19288a>, height 2131257, parent in alt 0, parent in main 0 (parent <993317d5a3ef7558db66a2dfbb758548e5eb6436f0c5e4b693a6535d97ff3e3f>, current top <4780067c4bcb8dd404889ed408aad96e6fbaf0dd632cc3042eb1b7624c9fa5d0>, chain height 2131256)
2020-08-06 16:25:48.730 I [ OUT] Block received at sync phase was marked as orphaned, dropping connection

I am running /usr/bin/monerod --data-dir /run/media/Data/.monero --check-updates disabled --max-concurrency 2 --log-level "1,*msg*:INFO,*net*:DEBUG" on Arch with the latest version from the Arch repos v0.16.0.1-release. Here is a link to bigger part of the log

moneromooo-monero commented 3 years ago

Looks like a corrupted chain. Resync is the only safe way to fix. Theoretically it's possible that popping enough blocks would fix, but it's (1) not certain as it depends on the corruption details and (2) we don't know how far to pop as we don't know all the corrupted data.

Mladia commented 3 years ago

All right. Thanks.