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[Feature Request] Allow automatic churning of incoming transactions to "flagged" subaddresses #6801

Closed sethforprivacy closed 4 years ago

sethforprivacy commented 4 years ago

This is a formalization of the idea I have been mentioning over the last several days, and comes out of research being put forth by knaccc on IRC around the efficacy of churning to avoid merge analysis, EABE, and poisoned output analysis.

The goal of this proposal is to seek feedback on creating the tools in both CLI and GUI wallets to make churning of incoming transactions to "flagged" subaddresses to be automatically churned using some (TBD) timing to mimic normal user spend behavior and aid in normalizing decoy selections for churn transactions.

Proposed UX:

Whenever a user creates a new subaddress, in either the GUI or CLI wallet, they will be prompted with the following (or similar, open to feedback on phrasing!):

Will this subaddress in any way be linked to your real-world ID? (eg. exchange withdrawals, tip addresses, etc) [Yes|No]

If the user answers "Yes", that subaddress is flagged for automatic churning whenever transactions are received to it. These outputs are not made available to spend until a given amount of churns (early research indicates 3+) are completed, although a hidden/advanced option to allow spending could be exposed, but difficult to access.

If the user answers "No", that subaddess is handled as all are today, and no churning is done by default.

I also would propose allowing users to right click (or have a unique button) to allow previously created subaddresses to be flagged for automatic churning, or a CLI command for the monero-wallet-cli users.

Goals of the proposal:

Current gaps:

Current potential issues:

sethforprivacy commented 4 years ago

Some old (but related) feedback on churning in general can be found in:


jtgrassie commented 4 years ago

Given the answer to:

Will this subaddress in any way be linked to your real-world ID? (eg. exchange withdrawals, tip addresses, etc) [Yes|No]

would almost always be "Yes", it seems redundant and thus a UX mistake IMO.

I'd always imagined that once there was some research on how best to handle any automatic single output churns, it would either become a default enabled setting or a global setting. From a UX perspective, they should not have to think about this stuff and we should just enable sane defaults.

Side note: we should probably remove sweep_all functionality (or at least warn if it's attempted), because one thing we do already know is that this kind of churn, in almost all cases, actually weakens privacy. Unfortunately there was a period where there were some vocal people recommending "churning" and so even of recent, this results in some users unwittingly making common mistake (which harms their privacy).

Until there is research / agreement on how we can do automatic sweep single churning, any discussion on how it may be presented to users seems premature.

sethforprivacy commented 4 years ago

My main purpose for putting forward this issue is that if we enable churning for all transactions, we essentially triple (as current research is pointing towards 3+ churns being most effective) the burden every transaction places on the network, so any kind of default that doesn't discriminate based on source of funds in some way would put undue stress on the network.

The goal here is to see if we can find some way to avoid at least some of that burden, while still enabling an easy (for the user) defense to common attacks from adversarial sources.

Maybe a better wording for the prompt (as a prompt is required in some way unless we do this for all transactions) would be Will this address be exposed to potential attackers (KYC exchanges, government agencies, etc) with access to other data about you? or something similar?

Side note: we should probably remove sweep_all functionality (or at least warn if it's attempted), because one thing we do already know is that this kind of churn, in almost all cases, actually weakens privacy.

Fully agree here, would love this to at least be hidden from users or give some sort of bold and clear warning before being used, as this is almost never necessary, and can easily be harmful to the user.

Until there is research / agreement on how we can do automatic sweep single churning, any discussion on how it may be presented to users seems premature.

I agree that we need a clearer idea of how the actual churning process should work, but if we implement it as a manual step we will never see it used properly by most people, and if we do it by-default for all transactions, we'd put a massive burden on the network. I wanted to get this idea down on paper so it could be thought about and discussed in tandem with the current churning research, rather than only be thought about after that, as the UX implementation is somewhat independent of the actual churning method.

knaccc commented 4 years ago

I agree with @jtgrassie, I think it's premature to comment on churn implementation details prior to first detailing the nature and extent of specific threats we wish to address (outputs-spent-directly-together heuristics, iterated-EABE, etc). After we have been specific enough about the problem, and after we've come to strong conclusions about the best way to address the problem, only then would it make sense to figure out the UX of any proposed solution.

sethforprivacy commented 4 years ago

Ok, thanks for the quick comments!

I'll just close this out for now then, and we can circle back at a later date once we have a more clear picture of the churning landscape.