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Cannot reconnect to blockchain 90% downloaded #6953

Closed guyferguson closed 3 years ago

guyferguson commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am happy to start a fresh sync, just raising this in case it helps improve code. Running W10 machine. Blockchain being saved to drive with 39GB spare after 70GB downloaded. I ran my initial sync from guiwallet for around 18 hours,, got to 70.22G (89%). I was saving chain to non-default dir for space reasons. Then - a storm here in Brisbane, brief power outage, restart machine, restart guiwallet.exe, 'Daemon failed to start, timed out after 120 seconds... GUI log just says

[31/10/2020 18:31] 2020-10-31 08:31:23.679 I Monero 'Oxygen Orion' (v0.17.1.1-release) 
Error: Couldn't connect to daemon:

I've tried portforwarding 18081 to this machine, I must admit I am not confident of my TP-Link VR 1600 router's ability to port forward..Shields Up says it's still blocked. So I shut down guiwallet, try monerod instead. Using --data-dir, the logs tell me to use --db-salvage. I do that, raise logs to level 4:

2020-10-31 08:24:03.150 420 INFO    logging contrib/epee/src/mlog.cpp:273   New log categories: *:WARNING,net:FATAL,net.http:FATAL,net.ssl:FATAL,net.p2p:FATAL,,daemon.rpc:FATAL,global:INFO,verify:FATAL,serialization:FATAL,daemon.rpc.payment:ERROR,stacktrace:INFO,logging:INFO,msgwriter:INFO
2020-10-31 08:24:03.150 420 INFO    logging contrib/epee/src/mlog.cpp:273   New log categories: *:TRACE
2020-10-31 08:24:03.151 420 INFO    global  src/daemon/main.cpp:293 Monero 'Oxygen Orion' (v0.17.1.1-release)
2020-10-31 08:24:03.152 420 INFO    daemon  src/daemon/main.cpp:355 Moving from main() into the daemonize now.
2020-10-31 08:24:03.152 420 INFO    global  src/daemon/protocol.h:53    Initializing cryptonote protocol...
2020-10-31 08:24:03.153 420 INFO    global  src/daemon/protocol.h:58    Cryptonote protocol initialized OK
2020-10-31 08:24:03.154 420 TRACE   blockchain  src/cryptonote_core/blockchain.cpp:102  Blockchain::Blockchain
2020-10-31 08:24:03.154 420 INFO    global  src/daemon/core.h:63    Initializing core...
2020-10-31 08:24:03.155 420 TRACE   blockchain.db.lmdb  src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:1280 BlockchainLMDB::BlockchainLMDB
2020-10-31 08:24:03.155 420 TRACE   blockchain.db.lmdb  src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:1687 BlockchainLMDB::get_db_name
2020-10-31 08:24:03.156 420 INFO    global  src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.cpp:515 Loading blockchain from folder H:\ProgramData\bitmonero\lmdb ...
2020-10-31 08:24:03.156 420 DEBUG   cn  src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.cpp:543 option: fast
2020-10-31 08:24:03.157 420 DEBUG   cn  src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.cpp:543 option: async
2020-10-31 08:24:03.157 420 DEBUG   cn  src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.cpp:543 option: 250000000bytes
2020-10-31 08:24:03.157 420 TRACE   blockchain.db.lmdb  src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:1322 BlockchainLMDB::open
2020-10-31 08:24:03.159 420 TRACE   blockchain.db.lmdb  src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:592  BlockchainLMDB::need_resize
2020-10-31 08:24:03.159 420 DEBUG   blockchain.db.lmdb  src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:608  DB map size:     80142200832
2020-10-31 08:24:03.160 420 DEBUG   blockchain.db.lmdb  src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:609  Space used:      71894757376
2020-10-31 08:24:03.162 420 DEBUG   blockchain.db.lmdb  src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:610  Space remaining: 8247443456
2020-10-31 08:24:03.162 420 DEBUG   blockchain.db.lmdb  src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:611  Size threshold:  0
2020-10-31 08:24:03.162 420 DEBUG   blockchain.db.lmdb  src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:613  Percent used: 89.7090  Percent threshold: 90.0000
2020-10-31 08:24:03.163 420 DEBUG   blockchain.db.lmdb  src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp:1483 Setting m_height to: 0

Then monerod in CLI just quits, no more logs, no CLI error, not sure if there is some other log location to look at.

I have looked (in github) at what follows line 1483 of db_lmdb.pp, and looked at the above log. I have tried my daemon startings ecveral times, the outcome is consistent, as above. monerod.exe --data-dir H:\ProgramData\bitmonero --log-level 4

Any ideas? Thanks, Guy,Brisbane,Australia

guyferguson commented 3 years ago

FYI - Debug Info from gui: ''' GUI version: (Qt 5.9.9) Embedded Monero version: Wallet path: E:\crypto\Monero\wallets\GuyF\GuyF Wallet restore height: 2198811 Wallet log path: C:\Users\GuyF\AppData\Roaming\monero-wallet-gui\monero-wallet-gui.log Wallet mode: Advanced modeOpenGL '''

dEBRUYNE-1 commented 3 years ago

Then - a storm here in Brisbane, brief power outage, restart machine, restart guiwallet.exe, 'Daemon failed to start, timed out after 120 seconds...

A power outage (i.e. unexpected shutdown) during the initial sync will cause the blockchain to corrupt. Alas, a resync from scratch will thus be required, which can be triggered by simply deleting data.mdb

moneromooo-monero commented 3 years ago

Start again, wait for a couple minutes, then run sync_info. See whether all your peers are in this list:

If so, exit monerod, delete p2pstate.bin (it'll be in the .bitmonero directory where your chain is, not sure where it is on windows), and restart monerod.

guyferguson commented 3 years ago

Thanks both of you. OK, @moneromooo-monero - when you say 'start again', do you mean 'after deleting data.mdb' as @dEBRUYNE-1 said? I am guessing so, as monerod run from CLI just quits almost immediately (as per initial post). If so, then can you clarify what the purpose of doing a sync_info is? Is it to confirm the process id working properly? Lastly - so it's better to get the blockchain from CLI daemon rather than GUI the first time? I think I may've read that you can 'preserve' the chain at various points by executing monerod that true of the initial download?
Thanks for all your help, I am only 2 days into using xmr.

dEBRUYNE-1 commented 3 years ago

Lastly - so it's better to get the blockchain from CLI daemon rather than GUI the first time? I

Doesn't particularly matter, although some prefer to run monerod.exe separately.

I think I may've read that you can 'preserve' the chain at various points by executing monerod that true of the initial download?

The chain will be properly save if one exits monerod.exe by typing exit, yes. However, in case an unexpected shutdown occurs after monerod.exe is started again, the blockchain will still corrupt (unless it was fully in sync during the 'crash').

moneromooo-monero commented 3 years ago

My intent was to check whether most of your peers are known malicious (they prevent you from downloading the chain from them).

tendermonster commented 3 years ago

why is this still not marked as solved ?

guyferguson commented 3 years ago

Hi, I don't think I can do that, with m,y permissions. bc corrupted again this week, 'wrong page'. At 115GB I don't see myself doing a fourth full download. I guess most in the community are aware of this obstacle to new users.

selsta commented 3 years ago

@guyferguson Note that you can download a pruned blockchain (--prune-blockchain) that is only 35GB. Also you can set --db-sync-mode safe that will protect against db corruptions.