monero-project / monero

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tx-notify seems not working #7301

Closed netwarp closed 3 years ago

netwarp commented 3 years ago

I would like to be notified on each transaction incoming in my wallet. In a first terminal, I run monerod --stagenet --block-notify "/bin/echo %s" In this one everything works.

In a second terminal, I run: monero-wallet-rpc --stagenet --rpc-bind-ip= --rpc-bind-port=18089 --disable-rpc-login --log-level=3 --wallet-file=sn1 --prompt-for-password --tx-notify "/bin/echo %s" or monero-wallet-rpc --stagenet --rpc-bind-ip= --rpc-bind-port=18089 --disable-rpc-login --log-level=3 --wallet-file=sn1 --prompt-for-password --tx-notify "node /home/me/notify.js"

No one of those scripts is working. What can I do to run a script when the pool detects a new transaction ? Thanks

netwarp commented 3 years ago

Got it. I change --log-level=3 by log-level=0 and it's work.