monero-project / monero

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bitmonero.log is full of "Failed to read line." #7539

Closed M0ns1gn0r closed 3 years ago

M0ns1gn0r commented 3 years ago

I have 90 log files with only this message:

2021-03-12 19:48:12.919 12540   ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-12 19:48:12.919 12540   ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-12 19:48:12.919 12540   ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-12 19:48:12.919 12540   ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-12 19:48:12.919 12540   ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-12 19:48:12.919 12540   ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-12 19:48:12.919 12540   ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-12 19:48:12.920 12540   ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-12 19:48:12.920 12540   ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-12 19:48:12.920 12540   ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.

A new 100 MB file is produced every minute.

Monero GUI on Win 7 x64

moneromooo-monero commented 3 years ago

Are you piping anything into whatever program generates this ? Or executing it from a non shell program, that kind of thing ?

M0ns1gn0r commented 3 years ago


I open monero-wallet-gui.exe from Total Commander, then the GUI automatically starts the monerod.exe (I use the simple mode).

But the problem persists even if I start monero-wallet-gui.exe directly from the explorer.

M0ns1gn0r commented 3 years ago

The problem doesn't reproduce if I open the GUI client via start-low-graphics-mode.bat.

mj-xmr commented 3 years ago

I have 90 log files with only this message:

Please give a few examples of file names of the log files. I'll look into it.

M0ns1gn0r commented 3 years ago



And so on. Then it looks like that a rolling log mechanism overrides them.

mj-xmr commented 3 years ago

From IRC:

(selsta) usual solution is attempt to update drivers and check if issue reappears

selsta commented 3 years ago

Talking about graphics drivers

M0ns1gn0r commented 3 years ago

As I said, the issue disappears when I start the GUI from the command line. It's hard to believe that the graphics drivers can have something to do with that. But I'll give it a try.

M0ns1gn0r commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to mention, that the issue disappears not because of the "low graphics" mode, but because the GUI is started from the command line. I checked that by changing the script to:

@echo off

start /b monero-wallet-gui.exe
selsta commented 3 years ago

Ok, sorry then I misunderstood this. Usually if things work with low graphics mode it means it is graphics drivers related but in your case it seems command line (or something else) related.

M0ns1gn0r commented 3 years ago

No problem. Maybe the problem lays in Win7 x64.

This is how the log looks like after starting the GUI:

2021-03-15 19:58:20.844 6960    INFO    logging contrib/epee/src/mlog.cpp:273   New log categories: *:WARNING,net:FATAL,net.http:FATAL,net.ssl:FATAL,net.p2p:FATAL,,daemon.rpc:FATAL,global:INFO,verify:FATAL,serialization:FATAL,daemon.rpc.payment:ERROR,stacktrace:INFO,logging:INFO,msgwriter:INFO
2021-03-15 19:58:20.844 6960    INFO    global  src/daemon/main.cpp:294 Monero 'Oxygen Orion' (v0.17.1.9-release)
2021-03-15 19:58:20.844 6960    INFO    global  src/daemon/protocol.h:53    Initializing cryptonote protocol...
2021-03-15 19:58:20.844 6960    INFO    global  src/daemon/protocol.h:58    Cryptonote protocol initialized OK
2021-03-15 19:58:20.845 6960    INFO    global  src/daemon/core.h:63    Initializing core...
2021-03-15 19:58:20.845 6960    INFO    global  src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.cpp:515 Loading blockchain from folder <redacted> ...
2021-03-15 19:58:21.070 6960    INFO    global  src/cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.cpp:690 Loading checkpoints
2021-03-15 19:58:21.070 6960    INFO    global  src/daemon/core.h:73    Core initialized OK
2021-03-15 19:58:21.070 6960    INFO    global  src/daemon/p2p.h:63 Initializing p2p server...
2021-03-15 19:58:21.110 6960    INFO    global  src/daemon/p2p.h:68 p2p server initialized OK
2021-03-15 19:58:21.110 6960    INFO    global  src/daemon/rpc.h:63 Initializing core RPC server...
2021-03-15 19:58:21.111 6960    INFO    global  contrib/epee/include/net/http_server_impl_base.h:79 Binding on (IPv4):18081
2021-03-15 19:58:22.042 6960    INFO    global  src/daemon/rpc.h:69 core RPC server initialized OK on port: 18081
2021-03-15 19:58:22.078 6960    INFO    global  src/daemon/rpc.h:74 Starting core RPC server...
2021-03-15 19:58:22.079 [SRV_MAIN]  INFO    global  src/daemon/rpc.h:79 core RPC server started ok
2021-03-15 19:58:22.079 [SRV_MAIN]  INFO    global  src/daemon/p2p.h:78 Starting p2p net loop...
2021-03-15 19:58:22.079 8852    ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-15 19:58:22.080 8852    ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
2021-03-15 19:58:22.080 8852    ERROR   console_handler contrib/epee/include/console_handler.h:397  Failed to read line.
...and so on...
moneromooo-monero commented 3 years ago

My guess is that Total Commander changes the new process' stdin, which causes monerod to be unable to read from it. Maybe the GUI does not start monerod with --non-interactive ?

xiphon commented 3 years ago

Maybe the GUI does not start monerod with --non-interactive ?
