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MIssing brackets around IPv6 address in logfile when using --rpc-bind-ipv6-address [::] #7966

Open li5lo opened 2 years ago

li5lo commented 2 years ago

IPv6 addresses are supposed to be specified in brackets (although i don't know if it's a requirement).

Run monerod with this command: ./monerod --testnet --log-level 1 --data-dir /[your directory]/ --rpc-bind-ip --rpc-bind-port 28081 --rpc-use-ipv6 --rpc-bind-ipv6-address [::] --confirm-external-bind

Logmessage will be: 2021-09-22 10:13:23.339 I Binding on :: (IPv6):28081

Monerod should put brackets around the IPv6 address so it should be: 2021-09-22 10:13:23.339 I Binding on [::] (IPv6):28081

ianebeckett commented 9 months ago

source: RFC 5952