monero-project / monero

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Monerod shuts down at random times #8402

Open ksdhans opened 2 years ago

ksdhans commented 2 years ago

Monerod will periodically just quit. It happens every few hours or so, although it's rather unpredictable.

Here's the final entries when I run it in a console window: 2022-06-23 06:44:18.667 W No incoming connections - check firewalls/routers allow port 18080 Assertion failed: Connection reset by peer [10054] (src/signaler.cpp:372) Assertion failed: Connection reset by peer [10054] (src/signaler.cpp:372)

This is with Monero 'Oxygen Orion' (v0.17.3.2-release), on Windows 10. The blockchain is fully synchronized.

NOTE: I've only managed to capture one failure so far, so I can't say if it's always the connection reset that triggers it.

selsta commented 2 years ago

Can you please post your config / which options you start monerod with?

selsta commented 2 years ago


moneromooo-monero commented 2 years ago

From a web search, it looks like libzmq asserting on us.

John4266 commented 1 year ago

I just had this problem as well

My arguments were: .\monerod.exe --out-peers=50 --prep-blocks-threads=8 --block-sync-size=60 --data-dir G:\bitmonero --check-updates disabled --non-interactive --max-concurrency 12

I am using a Windows 10 (64 bit) computer Monero version: Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.1.0-release) monerod.exe is whitelisted in firewall

EDIT: I ended up downloading the whole blockchain by using a while loop in powershell so even if it crashes it will restart:

PS E:\Program Files\Monero GUI Wallet> while ($true) {
>> ".\monerod.exe --out-peers=50 --prep-blocks-threads=8 --block-sync-size=60 --data-dir G:\bitmonero --check-updates download --non-interactive --max-concurrency 12" | Invoke-Expression
>> }