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Cant create reserve proof with message #8443

Open MexicanTakeout opened 2 years ago

MexicanTakeout commented 2 years ago

This is on Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.0.0-b6a029f22) stage net. Steps to reproduce:

Strangely enough, it works with single word message but the signature turns out to be bad when check with check_reserve_proof. Other than that, get_reserve_proof works fine with just the amount.

reemuru commented 2 years ago

This is not true. You can in fact create reserve proof with a message. From a technical standpoint there is no reason to have whitespace in a message. Hence change it to this_is_a_message with no quotations. You are thinking of 'message' as in terms of a written sentence with proper punctuation.

MexicanTakeout commented 2 years ago

@reemuru RPC call can parse message inside double quotes like here So I think this is an inconsistency issue.

The use of message string also wasn't clear to me at first. I expected it to be like a secret message that would reveal to a receiver after verified proof, but it is more like a password to use in decrypting the reserve proof.

MexicanTakeout commented 2 years ago

Strangely enough, it works with single word message but the signature turns out to be bad when check with check_reserve_proof. Other than that, get_reserve_proof works fine with just the amount.

In response to the bad signature problem, the message is required for a reserve proof with message.