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monerod regtest mode has issues in the v0.18.1.1 release #8600

Open dimalinux opened 1 year ago

dimalinux commented 1 year ago

Test code that I have written for interacting with monerod is breaking with the v0.18.1.1 release. When I try to refresh wallets, I get this error:

Unexpected hard fork version v16 at height 1. Make sure the node you are connected to is running the latest version

In hopes that it will help replicate the problem quickly, here is a bash script:

set -e
set -x

# This script shows a problem with the v0.18.1.1 release of Monero when running
# tests in the regtest mode. Calling refresh on a wallet will generate the error
# message:
#  Unexpected hard fork version v16 at height 1.
#  Make sure the node you are connected to is running the latest version


# Test only address (from Mastering Monero)

monero-rpc-request() {
    local port="${1:?}"   # can be a monerod or monero-wallet-rpc port
    local method="${2:?}" # RPC method name
    local params="${3:?}" # JSON parameters to method
    curl --http0.9 "http://localhost:${port}/json_rpc" \
        --silent \
        --show-error \
        -d "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"0\",\"method\":\"${method}\",\"params\":${params}" \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -w "\n"

create-wallet() {
    local port="${1:?Please provide a monero wallet port}"
    local wallet_name="${2:?Please specify wallet name}"
    local params='{"filename":"'"${wallet_name}"'","password":"","language":"English"}'
    monero-rpc-request "${port}" "create_wallet" "${params}"

refresh-wallet() {
    local port="${1:?Please provide a monero wallet port}"
    monero-rpc-request "${port}" "refresh" "{}"

generate-block() {
    local port="${1:?Please provide monerod port}"
    local params="{\"amount_of_blocks\":1,\"wallet_address\":\"${MINE_ADDRESS}\"}"
    monero-rpc-request "${port}" "generateblocks" "${params}"

# Kill any previous running instances
pkill --echo --uid "${UID}" --full '/monerod .* --regtest ' || true
pkill --echo --uid "${UID}" --full '/monero-wallet-rpc ' || true
sleep 2

# Start with fresh data/wallet directories
rm -rf "${DATA_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}" "${WALLET_DIR}"

# Start monerod in regtest mode
"${MONERO_BIN_DIR}/monerod" \
    --detach \
    --regtest \
    --offline \
    "--data-dir=${DATA_DIR}/monerod" \
    "--pidfile=${DATA_DIR}/" \
    --fixed-difficulty=1 \
    --rpc-bind-ip= \
sleep 5

# Start a wallet client
"${MONERO_BIN_DIR}/monero-wallet-rpc" \
    --detach \
    --rpc-bind-ip \
    --rpc-bind-port "${WALLET_PORT}" \
    --pidfile="${DATA_DIR}/" \
    --log-file="${DATA_DIR}/monero-wallet-rpc.log" \
    --disable-rpc-login \
    --wallet-dir "${WALLET_DIR}"
sleep 2

create-wallet "${WALLET_PORT}" test-wallet
generate-block "${MONEROD_PORT}"
# Refresh below will generate an error on v0.18.1.1, but worked fine with v0.18.1.0 and earlier.
refresh-wallet "${WALLET_PORT}"
j-berman commented 1 year ago

You can start your wallet RPC client with the flag --allow-mismatched-daemon-version

selsta commented 1 year ago

Also try to compile v0.18.1.2 in addition to --allow-mismatched-daemon-version.

dimalinux commented 1 year ago

@j-berman's solution worked! I didn't try compiling the unreleased version mentioned by @selsta.

My monerod and monero-wallet-rpc binaries are from the same release, so this workaround is not obvious. I'll let a Monero developer decided if this ticket should be closed or not. Maybe whatever settings are made by --allow-mismatched-daemon-version should be automatic when --regtest is passed? My immediate problem is resolved. Thanks!

delta1 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @dimalinux @j-berman - confirmed the same issue for me in regtest and the same flag works around the issue.