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[Proposal] Improve PoW verification at the next hard fork #8827

Open tevador opened 1 year ago

tevador commented 1 year ago

I'm proposing a small change to the PoW algorithm to be implemented at the next hard fork (together with Seraphis).

As opposed to the previous PoW changes, this one is completely unrelated to ASIC resistance.

The purpose of the change is to enable a very fast partial verification of the PoW. Essentially, my proposal is to replace the final Blake2b hash with a double Blake2b hash. Technical details are in this issue:

Additionally, a new 32-byte field (the intermediate hash) would be added to the block header. This would increase the blockchain size by about 8 MB per year, which is negligible given the large benefits that this change would bring.

What are the benefits?

hyc commented 1 year ago

Sounds like a big win. Aside from the 8MB size overhead, what are any other potential downsides?

tevador commented 1 year ago

The blockchain grows at around 40 GB/year at the moment, so the space overhead of this change would be about 0.02%.

The additional hash calculation would reduce hashrate by about 0.02%, which is also negligible and I don't think miners would object (or even notice).

AFAIK there has never been a change of the block header format before, so this would be the first time, but I don't think it would cause problems. And Seraphis already completely changes the block format anyways.

We would need to support both versions of RandomX, but the RandomX repository can easily support that as there are no changes to the internals, so "v2" can be realized by adding 1 function to the public API.

I can't think of any major drawbacks.

SChernykh commented 1 year ago

What prevents faking the intermediate hash? An attacker can just run Blake2b miner to produce valid intermediate hashes. Edit: found it in #258 - so 1 minute to generate the fake intermediate hash on GPU?

tevador commented 1 year ago

What prevents faking the intermediate hash? An attacker can just run Blake2b miner to produce valid intermediate hashes.

Yes, they can do that, it would cost about 1 minute with a high-end GPU to produce such a hash. You would need a large GPU farm to mount a DoS attack on the network.

Currently it takes no effort to produce a fake block and force the target node to spend CPU time running RandomX.

moneromooo-monero commented 1 year ago

That sounds lke a great improvement, and one that doesn't really need to wait for seraphis (which I assume will be about two years ?)

tevador commented 1 year ago

doesn't really need to wait for seraphis

This change needs a hard fork and AFAIK there are no hard forks planned before seraphis, which I'm assuming to happen in 2024.

jtgrassie commented 1 year ago

Fully support this.

On deployment, yes needs a hard fork, but we don't need to wait for a seraphis fork – I assume we'll have a hard fork before seraphis, as we'll likely have bulletproof++ ready much earlier (as just one example).

selsta commented 1 year ago

I'd also be in favour of deploying BP++ and this RandomX change before Seraphis.

hundehausen commented 1 year ago

This improvement is so big, I wouldn't want to wait two years to make it happen. We can hard fork whenever we have improvements.