monero-project / monero

Monero: the secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency
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Problem after building monero from source #8907

Open SnAFKe opened 1 year ago

SnAFKe commented 1 year ago

I'm running AMR64 on Debian 11 and trying to building monero from source.

I'm compile static binaries, building finish without issue.

When i'm try to run monerod without issue but flood me with this.

[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:133  Exception: std::bad_alloc
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:134  Unwound call stack:
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [1] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x4eb634) [0xaaaad8f6b634] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [2] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x873af4) [0xaaaad92f3af4] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [3] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x86d17c) [0xaaaad92ed17c] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [4] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x86a32c) [0xaaaad92ea32c] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [5] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x4b287c) [0xaaaad8f3287c] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [6] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x4b37e0) [0xaaaad8f337e0] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [7] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x49b54c) [0xaaaad8f1b54c] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [8] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x49b734) [0xaaaad8f1b734] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [9] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x49b7fc) [0xaaaad8f1b7fc] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [10] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x442e44) [0xaaaad8ec2e44] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [11] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x4e413c) [0xaaaad8f6413c] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [12] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x4e49ac) [0xaaaad8f649ac] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [13] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x449908) [0xaaaad8ec9908] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [14] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x46ae88) [0xaaaad8eeae88] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [15] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x3ff004) [0xaaaad8e7f004] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [16] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x1715f4) [0xaaaad8bf15f4] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [17] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x3e8288) [0xaaaad8e68288] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [18] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x3e966c) [0xaaaad8e6966c] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [19] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x25cd84) [0xaaaad8cdcd84] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [20] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x13fc2c) [0xaaaad8bbfc2c] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [21] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x37bd7c) [0xaaaad8dfbd7c] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [22] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0x3b1898) [0xaaaad8e31898] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [23] /usr/local/bin/monerod(+0xa8377c) [0xaaaad950377c] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [24] /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ [0xffffa19db648] 
[P2P6]  INFO    stacktrace  src/common/stack_trace.cpp:172      [25] /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ [0xffffa1931fdc] 

This only happen building monero from source and if i use official binary not have this issue.

I've enough memory and space too, also i not have any memory issue.

Not sure what i doing wrong from building from source.

0xFFFC0000 commented 1 year ago

Can you build a debug build?

This should not happen. It seems there is an issue/mismatch with one of the libraries you are using to build Monero.

SnAFKe commented 1 year ago

How i can build debug static armv8?

0xFFFC0000 commented 1 year ago

Are you cross-compiling?

I am not sure about your specific architecture. But generally, you can build debug binaries via

make debug
selsta commented 1 year ago

That's the libunwind library. The official binaries don't ship with libunwind, that's why you don't see these log messages.

SnAFKe commented 1 year ago

Are you cross-compiling?

I am not sure about your specific architecture. But generally, you can build debug binaries via

make debug


That's the libunwind library. The official binaries don't ship with libunwind, that's why you don't see these log messages.

I already see somewhere in here but i uninstall libunwind8-dev (debian) and still give me this error.

selsta commented 1 year ago

You have to uninstall it and then do a clean recompile, just uninstalling isn't enough.

Also libunwind and libunbound are not the same thing, you have to uninstall the correct library.

SnAFKe commented 1 year ago

I know, even i delete folder and clone again and still.

selsta commented 1 year ago

Please share a build log on so that I can see if libunwind is still used or not.

SnAFKe commented 1 year ago

Sorry, where are the logs located?

selsta commented 1 year ago

It prints it to the command line after entering make.

SnAFKe commented 1 year ago

selsta commented 1 year ago

-- Stack trace on exception enabled (using easylogging++)

it uses a different library, will have to check how to disable it

selsta commented 1 year ago

Try to delete all this code and build again:

SnAFKe commented 1 year ago

Seems to work now, running about 12h and not issue.

But my curious why you can build without this error and not modify anything?

Hope now my other problem solve to apply patch for that issue.

selsta commented 1 year ago

It's not an error, it's just logging. You just disabled the logging of this exception but the exception itself continues to happen.

SnAFKe commented 1 year ago

But that is ignoring the error and not solving the problem, that does not generate a loss of performance.

Damn it, the other problem not fix issue, i'm sick with that error i going to create separate issue.

selsta commented 1 year ago

Try to enable hugepages:

See also