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ZMQ Crash #8911

Open SnAFKe opened 1 year ago

SnAFKe commented 1 year ago

I'm unable to fix this issue and not sure there are any real solution for this issue because got me crazy.

I tried everything possible solution i find here.

I still i got random "Unable to send ZMQ/Pub - ZMQ server destroyed" error.

I'm running v0.18.2.2 release from official binary or building from source in ARM64 system with 12GB RAM

selsta commented 1 year ago

Can you also share your config?

SnAFKe commented 1 year ago

monerod --rpc-bind-ip --zmq-rpc-bind-ip --zmq-pub=tcp:// --detach --confirm-external-bind --restricted-rpc --rpc-login user:pass --prune-blockchain --block-notify '/bin/bash /home/monero/' --enable-dns-blocklist

B15Hi commented 10 months ago

try taking out "=" in "--zmq-pub=tcp://"