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Didn't receive monero my balance is 0. #8982

Closed GpStop closed 10 months ago

GpStop commented 1 year ago

Hello is there someone who can help me. i'm new in monero world and i'm not a developer and now i have a problem that i cannot resolve by myself. So my problem is:

Someone send me a monero, but i wasn't sync already. I download and instal monero GUI and connected it to my ledger, but the sync took much time. So they send me monero on my address before i sync. They send me a tx key that i check and the transaction was on. I check online and i saw that i have to change wallet restore height. I did it i change it to 100001. I'm in local node all sync but ballance is 0.00000 I use GUI interface and do rescan wallet balance, then scan transaction with the tx key. nothing happened. I have windows firewall off. But i have also kaspersky antivirus on. Is this the problem? Should i have to uninstal kaspersky and windows firewall? How can i trace my missing transaction? How to fix my 0 balance? I really don't know what to do. I need help. Is there someone who can help me fix it ?

selsta commented 1 year ago

As a first step go to Settings -> Info and share

GpStop commented 1 year ago

As a first step go to Settings -> Info and share

  • Wallet mode
  • Version
  • Wallet restore height

I've done this already i set my wallet height to 100003, to be sure, but still 0 balance.

selsta commented 1 year ago

Please answer my full question so that I can help you

GpStop commented 1 year ago

Please answer my full question so that I can help you

Advanced mode 100001

selsta commented 1 year ago

Ok, go to Settings -> Log, type "status" and share the output here.

GpStop commented 1 year ago

[9/7/2023 2:33 PM] 2023-09-07 11:33:12.387 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.2.2-release) Height: 1382070/2968904 (46.6%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 137.16 MH/s, v5, 12(out)+0(in) connections, uptime 0d 0h 40m 48s

selsta commented 1 year ago

If you use a local node you have to wait until it is synced to 100%. Yours is currently at 46.6%. If you don't want to wait you have to manually set a remote node.

GpStop commented 1 year ago

i know i just start, that's why it's not 100%

selsta commented 1 year ago

Yes, but your correct balance will only show up after your daemon is synced to 100%, otherwise it can't calculate your balance.

GpStop commented 1 year ago

I know i did it many times. 100% sync with 0 balance. They send me monero before sync, so i desided to change wallet restore hight with 100001. everytime i open the GUI it takes a lot if time to sync. But balance is 0

selsta commented 1 year ago

Restarting the GUI does not delete your blockchain progress.

Did you manually delete the blockchain file?

To give you support you either need a local daemon that is 100% synced or you manually connect to a synced remote node.

GpStop commented 1 year ago

it's not 100% sync. It takes more than 10 hours and i don't know why? I've done this already. Usually when i got log in it takes few minutes, but now i don't know why it sync from 0. My disc space was full with monero network about 217GB, now when i sync it was erased and start from 110Gb. I don't understand why this happened. Everyday it takes few minutes now ... hours.

selsta commented 1 year ago

You are syncing your node from scratch, that takes between 12h to a couple days depending on your hardware and over 160GB of disk space.

If you don't have enough space then I would recommend you to either use a pruned node (you can select that during the initial wizard), or a remote node.

Do you know how to connect to a remote node or should I post the steps?

GpStop commented 1 year ago

i know how to do it but not gonna do. i'm still waiting for now . it's almoust done. 2 more hours may be

GpStop commented 1 year ago

is it going to do load from scratch every time? because new time will have no disc space. How to stop this . I did this download this and now again it doesn't seem right. Do i have to change wallet hight again with something more. now its 100001 do i have to do it at may be 2100000.

selsta commented 1 year ago

is it going to do load from scratch every time?

No, but you said in your previous comment that your disk space was full so it seems you manually deleted the blockchain at some point?

Do i have to change wallet hight again with something more.

Depends on if your funds show up.

GpStop commented 1 year ago

how to stop that. i mean my disk wasn't full but after this is going to be. and i don't know how i delete the blockchain. How i delete the blockchain and my space is lower now? i have 100GB less than before. if i deleted it somehow , the space should't be less?

selsta commented 1 year ago

I don't know what happened but there is no integrated function to delete the blockchain. Either you deleted it yourself or you set a different blockchain location in Settings -> Node.

GpStop commented 1 year ago

i'm still waiting. i gues 1 more hour, after that what do u want me to do?

selsta commented 1 year ago

The last percentage of the daemon sync takes the longest so it will likely take more than 1 hour.

To me it seems it seems that you have limited disk space so it might make sense to connect to a remote node for now, at least until your funds show up. Running a node with a close to full disk won't be a good experience.

GpStop commented 12 months ago

[9/9/2023 1:29 AM] 2023-09-08 22:29:46.914 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.2.2-release) Height: 2969956/2969956 (100.0%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 2.16 GH/s, v16, 12(out)+0(in) connections, uptime 0d 18h 37m 14s

GpStop commented 12 months ago

that's my second download of the monero system. Now i have only a 80GB free. I don't have space for 3 times. my balance is still 0. what if i download monero network on another pc. do the hashes can i use my wallet. i mean my exact wallet with my exact address. can i use them on another pc like recover or something? im asking because if there is no space i have to do something or erase my network on this pc and start over again or new pc with same wallet address.

selsta commented 12 months ago

Let's first try to find your balance and then check regarding remaining storage.

If you go to Settings -> Info, click on "Change restore height", set it to 1 and then click on ok twice, now it should only sync the wallet from scratch. This will likely take 30 minutes or so but it will not use more storage.

GpStop commented 12 months ago

Let's first try to find your balance and then check regarding remaining storage.

If you go to Settings -> Info, click on "Change restore height", set it to 1 and then click on ok twice, now it should only sync the wallet from scratch. This will likely take 30 minutes or so but it will not use more storage.

GpStop commented 12 months ago

Hello friend i'm back. Now i'm 100% online 24/7 I'm waiting for you advice. i'm all yours. I set my wallet height to 1 as u told me.

selsta commented 12 months ago

Did you let it sync after changing it to 1?

GpStop commented 12 months ago

all sync

selsta commented 12 months ago

And still no funds? ... Do you have the transaction id of a transaction that should be inside your wallet?

GpStop commented 12 months ago

no funds. i have tx key

selsta commented 12 months ago

Do you have multiple wallets / seed and made sure that you didn't open the wrong one?

GpStop commented 12 months ago

Just one hardware wallet. no multiple wallets.

selsta commented 12 months ago

Ledger / Trezor? Did you confirm that your wallet address is correct compared to your old wallet?

Also can you make a screenshot of the bottom left part of the GUI where it shows the status?

GpStop commented 12 months ago

ledger yes everything.

[9/12/2023 3:30 PM] 2023-09-12 12:30:51.356 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.2.2-release) Height: 2972561/2972561 (100.0%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 2.18 GH/s, v16, 12(out)+0(in) connections, uptime 0d 1h 43m 39s

GpStop commented 12 months ago

wallet daemon sync network status connected account #0 xmr balance 0 thats all

selsta commented 12 months ago

Does it show a transaction history on the "Transactions" tab?

GpStop commented 12 months ago

no transactions yet

GpStop commented 12 months ago

how about these commands in the log where can i type for tx key to my wallet

selsta commented 12 months ago

I don't know what you mean exactly with tx key.

Can you enter your transaction id / hash into and then share the link?

GpStop commented 12 months ago

Tx hash: Tx public key: Payment id (encrypted): Transaction was carried out on the Monero network on 2023-07-05 16:02:37. The transaction has 14312 confirmations

is that helpful i don't want to share the exact id and stuff

selsta commented 12 months ago

Is this supposed to be an incoming or an outgoing transaction?

GpStop commented 12 months ago

they send it to me, so the transaction was going but my address was not sync, so i have to find it. it should be outgoing to me.

selsta commented 12 months ago

Try to go to Settings -> Wallet, click on "Scan transaction", and then enter the transaction hash and press ok. What happens?

GpStop commented 12 months ago

transfer succesfully searched . and that's it . still 0

selsta commented 12 months ago

Did you change the account number on your physical Ledger? In the settings you can switch between account 0, 1, etc. Make sure you have 0 selected.

GpStop commented 12 months ago

on ledger settings - select wallet - it will reset the application! 0+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 these are the options the other select network - test network stage network main network+ these are options i don't do anything wrong because it says reset

main adress - major:0 minor:0

GpStop commented 12 months ago

what should i do i mean i don't want to crash something

selsta commented 12 months ago

There's something non-obvious going on. Usually a resync from 0 is enough to solve everything.

Did you setup your Ledger from scratch at some point with a new seed? When was the last time you had access to your funds?

GpStop commented 12 months ago

monero is new for me . i made a new address and wallet especially for this transaction. so i did it for the first time. download it from install hashes new hardware wallet averything is brand new and for the first time. so i did't have any transactions and actions on the monero network. i've had only bitcoin account but this is different. i had also a kaspersky antivirus. can it block the monero network or search for transactions?

GpStop commented 12 months ago

let end for today. see ya tomorrow

selsta commented 12 months ago

i made a new address and wallet especially for this transaction

How did you do this?